14 years ago
plurk's telling me im too inactive so i should open up more -___- well!~ sorry for not being able to go online -__- hmphf! (drama XD HAHA!)
latest #8
Chris Gardner says
14 years ago
14 years ago
rachel1197 says
14 years ago
uhhhh.. thanks? (LOL) i didnt know it was funny. i found it corny. i bet you're not laughing. NR face in front of the comp (LOL)
Chris Gardner says
14 years ago
haha sometimes the corny things make people laugh :-P
14 years ago
https://images.plurk.com/4271616_1f01131fa565895cde91e2388960aaec.jpg true~
rachel1197 says
14 years ago
hiccup thanks for confirming my corny-ness (LOL) hahaha! kidding. well, half kidding (LOL) im genuinely saying thanks
rachel1197 says
14 years ago
souleatingpanda: haha! XD when my comp was taken away, i had SO MUCH time on my hands -___-
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