latest #11
depend ur ownself can put it down anot lo~~xD
haha~ 需要时间的 因为说永远比做的容易太多了 就算愿意走那一千步 但还是需要时间来消化的... need more and more time...忙。盲。茫 微分之后便成 亡。亡。亡 ....
apa u cakap lol~~mang mang mang>>wang wang wang??汪汪汪??哈哈哈哈~~~
sometimes, the matter is not who the one make the first step...
haha...jia, next time i explain to u ya~ quite meaningful de~
i wan sleep le...gdniite ya~
no la...wat i mean tat thr is a situation tat 1 ppl can walk the 1000steps, it doesn't require tat mus b 2 ppl to make those 500 steps
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