Iseldica has
14 years ago
figure out what the mice want...the dog food.
latest #9
Chell says
14 years ago
wierd...and that's something you can't put up. :-(
Iseldica says
14 years ago
The dog may have to deal with eating when it's given to her and if she doesn't finish, tough luck.
Chell says
14 years ago
poor molly. :-( do you leave food out all the time normally or do you feed her like they say only so much per day?
Iseldica says
14 years ago
I leave it out all the time. She rarely eats much in one sitting.
Chell says
14 years ago
i hope she can adjust to it. :-(
RacyGamer says
14 years ago
Anyone want to come get a baby mouse out of my plastic bin out back for my pool? Cutest little blind thing
Chell says
14 years ago
it's blind? (bigeyes)
RacyGamer says
14 years ago
yeah -- it's a teeny baby
RacyGamer says
14 years ago
so cuuute!
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