chascie hates
15 years ago
Snooty boy who life in his own world...geezz..I just wanna drag him out from his fantasy world!! (annoyed)
latest #10
compliquer says
15 years ago
chascie says
15 years ago
one friend
chascie says
15 years ago
compliquer says
15 years ago
what fantasy?
chascie says
15 years ago
datz he'z too proud with his univ grade and underestimate the other univ
chascie says
15 years ago
simple thingz actually~ but somehow it irritated me~
chascie says
15 years ago
those rank wont effect to your life actually *sigh*
compliquer says
15 years ago
correct, just prove it in a real life
chascie says
15 years ago
datz whud i told him~ but he still debate it..geez im tired to wake him up~
chascie says
15 years ago
ah~ never mind~ he never gonna be my friend eniwei hahahha
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