You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi! You: hey Stranger: BLOOP Stranger: wazzup You: bloop? /:-) Stranger: ombookoo..
latest #24
Stranger: :-P You: hahahha Stranger: wazzup stranger? :-D You: eh im bored what about you stanger? Stranger: why?
You: because im awesome like that :-P jk Stranger: so im bored too Stranger: cus im awesomer like that You: XD Stranger: :-D
You: so what r you? Stranger: i'm an orange Stranger: you? You: haha im a cheeseburger
Stranger: i just had a cheeseburger You: lol im not edible Stranger: i didnt eat you
You: i know You: im alive arent i? Stranger: ask god Stranger: not sure Stranger: or the burger joint owner
You: eh being a cheeseburger isnt fun anymore :3 Stranger: hahahha ok You: now i am a bored girl who is chatting over the
internet with an orange that i do not know :-P Stranger: good for you! Stranger: chatting with an orange is healthy
Stranger: eating an orange is not You: lol Stranger: people who say it's healthy is just bullshitting
You: so people can shit like bulls? XDD Stranger: of course Stranger: it's like god-given talent Stranger: dont you have it?
You: nope i refused when was born You: i said it was too boring Stranger: He must've been pissed You: not really
You: he said he was ok and not offended but he was sure sad You: and when he's sad he eats oranges Stranger: poor god You: XDD
Stranger: oh that explains the death of my cousin Stranger: :-( You: condolences are given :-) Stranger: thanks Stranger: he was an amazing
orange You: later im going to eat a banana Stranger: ooh banana is my buddy
Stranger: but then he cheats on my apple gf Stranger: :-( You: so... You: does that mean i can eat him with ur girlfriend :-D
Stranger: be my guest You: yey You: <eating the cheating fruits> You: *pukes* Stranger: do they taste good? You: this taste like frickn sht
Stranger: are they cheating off your stomach? You: nope You: i didnt let them XD they got rejected Stranger: karma's a bitch, ain't it?
You: yep it's a good thing the bitch is on our side Stranger: do you like ice cream? You: depends on the' You: why? Stranger: what flavor?
flavor You: why? Stranger: what flavor? You: usually chocolate, coffee, and some mocha
You: but i try a lot of things Stranger: i'm having a vanilla one right now You: cool You: i just had a pizza Stranger: girl, gotta run
Stranger: this orange will finish the ice cream Stranger: nice talk :-) You: nice one to
You: bye You: wait oranges run? XD Stranger: no, we fly Stranger: bye :-D You: bye :-D Your conversational partner has disconnected.
astig na convo
14 years ago
HAHAH. i Like.
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