Bong Bong says
14 years ago
hmmm...what is dap dap and cmz doing? :-o
latest #13
Asshhhhh says
14 years ago
yalo...they are so busy, more busy than us!! (LOL)
Bong Bong says
14 years ago
lol...ya wor....dont knw wad thy busy for...
Asshhhhh says
14 years ago
yea yea~~ especially dapdap, her work is more free but she seems like busy than us~~ (LOL)
moomooyaa says
14 years ago
wah my work not reli free lo, from morning til tutup pintu oso nit to piano non stop == when no work then nit to practise,东西多到不输你们 (rofl)
moomooyaa says
14 years ago
but after sept will free la,coz only left exam (applause)
Asshhhhh says
14 years ago
wah..really xin fu oh you, interest become your job, how i hope.... :-(
moomooyaa says
14 years ago
ya,i feel so glad coz interest in my jobs now, jz quite stress to practise so many musics n play live let ppl dance
moomooyaa says
14 years ago
coz dance is diff from u solo on the stage,haiz...but now ok edy,jz many musics to practise (doh)
Asshhhhh says
14 years ago
ya later you play wrong sound make ppl puk kai..hahha, nvm la. the more you practise can help you in ur piano skill oso ma.. ;-)
moomooyaa says
14 years ago
ya lo,this's y my boss wan to push us to do eventhough we r not ready to play for ballet class yet,this reli helps alot,xi guan jiu hao d la
Asshhhhh says
14 years ago
yalo..then now u everyday go to sch??
moomooyaa says
14 years ago
no la i think i wil gila if i everyday go there,lol,other days practise at hme,nw more concentrate for competition songs
moomooyaa says
14 years ago
oways ballet only nw nit to catch back competition d == eh u use phone on9 ar?
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