carry. shares
14 years ago I SCARE YOU! XD
latest #8
nii says
14 years ago
AAAH XD makes me think that I need a yogurt facial mask xD yours is made of what ? =D
carry. shares
14 years ago
yogurt facial *_* how do you make that? ;D mine's out of a tube hihi but i really like it, it's this one -
nii says
14 years ago
you mix yogurt with honey and a bit of sugar :-) if you made too much, you can eat the leftover XD
nii says
14 years ago
oooh yours look great ! *_* Lotus~ I haven't tried a lot of Avon products, so I should buy it ! =D
14 years ago
ohhh awesome! hahaha ;P that's good! food facials are always the best hehe
nii says
14 years ago
eheh yes x) if you can use bio products, if you have a sensitive skin ; )
14 years ago
my mom sells Avon ;D so I have a bunch of this at home but I really like the PLANET SPA line, it's all natural and really nice 8D
nii says
14 years ago
ooooh lucky you *___* I'll try it out then ! since it's the sales, I have to sneak for some Avon ones x)
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