PancyCher wonders
14 years ago
why I am so good and soft hearted!! :-(
latest #20
Msheanie says
14 years ago
(LOL)hahahaha perasan betul...
Msheanie says
14 years ago
vomit (tongue)
PancyCher says
14 years ago
really lo....sigh..........sometime think tat i quite stupid
PancyCher says
14 years ago
Msheanie says
14 years ago
(cozy)aiyo..ah bu sek sek lar..dont like that..
Msheanie says
14 years ago
tell me siapa bully?? X-(
PancyCher says
14 years ago
i stress of assg, then gt a gal, who is jz knw nt too long in club as me to teman her go bank half an hour later
PancyCher says
14 years ago
PancyCher says
14 years ago
she is alone...then i jz promise her...sigh...
PancyCher says
14 years ago
si ren ezra la...dunwan teman i ganti him to teman the gal
PancyCher says
14 years ago
wat kind of theory is tat
PancyCher says
14 years ago
Msheanie says
14 years ago
u u u u u...go go go away..if because of her u can get me 1st class honour i am going to KILL u (angry)
PancyCher says
14 years ago
aiyo.....ah bu........
PancyCher says
14 years ago
Msheanie says
14 years ago
PancyCher says
14 years ago
PancyCher says
14 years ago
ah bu...dun worry, top student like me won get affected so easily de
PancyCher says
14 years ago
hahaa :-D
Msheanie says
14 years ago
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