Jason Peck asks
15 years ago
what are you dressing as for halloween?
latest #10
15 years ago
myself. Scary enough.
Jason Peck says
15 years ago
cop out
Jason Peck says
15 years ago
come on be creative
15 years ago
I don't dress up for Halloween.
OhMy Goodness says
15 years ago
Cereal Killer (big plastic knife through cereal box)
Jason Peck says
15 years ago
good - RockinPRGirl you should reevaluate your halloween-ness
Jason Peck says
15 years ago
and again, you play jams on blip. hoobastank is great in concert
Jason Peck says
15 years ago
so basically that means you should be cool enough to dress up for halloween
15 years ago
have to work, no costumes for me this year
AshleyMac says
15 years ago
Mad Hatter :-) But I do something Alice in Wonderland-ish every year
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