14 years ago
peeks in. (wave) Holy crap it's been busy around here. Including 4 family members in the ER in 5 days. And Grant was one of them. :-(
latest #16
She11ygirl says
14 years ago
oh dear
14 years ago
Elaine says
14 years ago
everything and everyone ok now. Scary tho...little man was unresponsive.
Elaine says
14 years ago
Oh, only near losing what's left of my mind, Sami, but that's a regular state around here! LOL
Elaine says
14 years ago
Add to that, planning and hosting a double baby shower (including all the knitting that involved :-D), 4th of July, traveling with an 11 mo.
Elaine says
14 years ago
old, and planning his birthday party -- including making invites, thank you's and all the planning. Ack! I need a vacation!
Trillium says
14 years ago
(cozy) I'm glad everyone is doing better!
Thing says
14 years ago
'elo stranger
Elaine says
14 years ago
thanks NNN and Chris!
Elaine says
14 years ago
hey there, big G :-D (as opposed to my little G)
Luliriisi says
14 years ago
14 years ago
wow, sounds crazy to me!
pandosnarky says
14 years ago
oh my - hang in there
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