How will you use the iPad in your classroom (if you had them)?
latest #10
I would love to use it for Internet research so there were be no "copy and paste!" Force kids to read their research! Imagine that!
I have one, but I'm just now trying to figure out ways to use it
You know if you gave one to a kid he would figure out things we could never think of.
We had quite a discussion about this at #DENLC10 in Boston check Edmodo with that tag there is an upload of a list of apps we are all using
Also follow what Palm Beach County Schools will be doing, I dont' have a link yet for that project
As a way to make the term "computer or laptop" dissolve into a tool box to go. Finding that the laptop now almost seems like a desktop term
and the ipad is becoming the new portable "laptop"....
wow, thanks for the direction pointing, very appreciated
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