minoel is
16 years ago
listening to Echa humming "Smoke on the Water"... (rock)
latest #12
white lily says
16 years ago
Muswardi thinks
16 years ago
its cool and wondering when I should introduce those to Nendra
minoel says
16 years ago
susah anak tukang band heheh
minoel thinks
16 years ago
www.plurk.com/user/muswa... mungkin setelah mulai diajarin ngaji :-)
Muswardi has
16 years ago
previewed once a Megadeth DVD's to Nendra. Betul juga minoel! Biar ada basenya dulu :-D
minoel says
16 years ago
"...holy waaars...." haha ha
elastica says
16 years ago
give them Guitar Heroes for PS2 to play with.
minoel says
16 years ago
actually, we have guitar hero already, for the Wii tho :-)
minoel says
16 years ago
the dad plays it most of the time however
elastica says
16 years ago
same game different console. We don't have a Wii yet, just ps2 and xbox 360.
elastica thinks
16 years ago
right now it's better to get a projector rather than another console.
minoel says
16 years ago
haa yes agree...u should try the wii btw. soo much fun...
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