RyanBiedron is
14 years ago
new to Plurk! Help!
latest #9
14 years ago
keep finding those friends. This can become a very powerful network to help you down the road.
14 years ago
feel free to ask any questions
brina1300 says
14 years ago
RyanBiedron what type of help would you like?
nkrahn says
14 years ago
You have to build your friend list. Don't hesitate to go through a friends plurk and then friend anyone who responds.
nkrahn says
14 years ago
As a fellow preservice teacher I can't tell you how many times the resources on here have made my life easier!
brina1300 says
14 years ago
welcome, don't be afraid to friend people and ask questions. You won't believe what a friendly helpful group of people you will find here.
n2teaching says
14 years ago
Welcome to Plurk.
n2teaching says
14 years ago
One suggestion: add a few of your other network web addresses...like flickr, nings, blogs, etc. BTW, did you have Cyndi Danner-Kuhn as tchr?
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