maybe friends could help? what's the matter!
It's mostly about soccer.
I can't play at FM, so I don't know if I want to play at Gville, or just not play soccer this year and go to Gville. Or go to FM.
you can't play soccer at greenville? and why can't you play soccer at FM?
why cant you play at FM? and if thats the case just go to greenville and play there too. might as well make the most out of your senior year
Stupid OHSAA rules say if you transfer out of the district you have to wait a year to play any sports.
I'm leaning towards going to Greenville, but I still don't know about playing soccer there.
Because of the situation with Ziehler.
i do not know the situation with Ziehler.
Ohhh, well I'll give you the short version.
I was getting very pissed at my team because we were losing to a team we should kill, Z took me out and said I would sit the rest of the
game. That made me more pissed. We had an argument, then he told me to leave our own tourny and go home. As I was leaving I said
"I'm transferring to FM" he said good.
cj they have that rule so people dont transfer for sports because thats not a good thing to do ;P and cj, maybe you should keep your temper?
and maybe have some good sportsmanship? its not ALL about winning
Torri, you don't even understand. Don't even try to make this my fault. And they have the transfer rule so that coaches don't recruit.
i wasn't trying to make it all your fault? but you should try to make it all someone else's fault either
But it IS Ziehler's fault, that's the thing. He handled the situation all wrong and didn't act like an adult. He acted like a child and
maybe if you REALLY want to play soccer even if it's for greenville, you could pull some apology out of your butt even if HE'S wrong.
because it sounds like there were angry behaviors on both ends.
I WON'T apologize. Plus, all of the shit I've been going to has been voluntary. We haven't had tryouts yet.
and then you can not deal with it anymore
Mr. Powers wants me to meet with Z and him and just talk it out.