14 years ago
wow mr. tech is now mr. car expert. he claims japanese cars are shit, if you press the roof it gets dented instantly.
latest #8
hongrui says
14 years ago
and european cars, even if a tree crashes into the roof, even if the car flips, it doesnt dent.
hongrui says
14 years ago
oh wait wait wait i forgot the "see i told you so" tone.
hongrui says
14 years ago
wow im impressed this guy is mr know it all! :-D
hongrui says
14 years ago
ahh now he's mr. doctor, explaining the effects of caffeine.
hongrui says
14 years ago
wow wow wow now the guy who was an army officer in NS has become a policeman in NS.
14 years ago
i sound like the mr doctor
hongrui says
14 years ago
no no, george, our logic about caffeiene at least makes sense. his doesnt. he talks like he's a pro.
14 years ago
ask him to shut the fuck up and drink his coffee...we are all on drugs
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