knows she never plurks but is pissed off atm
latest #17
what exactly is the difference between waving at someone and saying hi?
there some kind of SL etiquette that says if you receive a way you should not engage in conversation?
that a wave simply acknowledges your existence but requests not to be engaged in conversation?
and if you do force engagement it will be returned but under protest?
what is with the subliminal text ?
Sounds silly to me. If you apply it to a RL situation and someone calls hi from across a room and the other waves in return, it's not a
stretch to assume that's a gesture of acceptance and welcome and that the caller should not then walk over to engage in conversation with
If the caller -were- to approach the wavee only to be rebuffed, confusion would be reasonable. Although, to be fair body language would
play a significant part in coloring the exchange which we don't get, in SL.
Having said that - THAT- needs to be remembered by *both* parties.
if the wave was a 'subliminal' AO. I stood near someone doing the most extraordinary exercises y'day
and I imagine the 'owner' had absolutely no idea!
Hi Elizabeth
hi wave was in IM.... thats what was so weird
hi Mermet
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