whichendisup wonders
15 years ago
how many other people are interested in MANY different "hobbies" or whatnot?
latest #11
whichendisup says
15 years ago
cause I'm beginning to think I'm a freak of nature. Knitting, spinning, dyeing, paper making, sewing, cooking,
whichendisup says
15 years ago
music (listening and performing), painting, animals, motorcycles, airplanes (flying and jumping out of), reading, writing,
whichendisup says
15 years ago
charity, economics, any and all science, history, religions, gah - where will the madness end?
whichendisup thinks
15 years ago
mental purges are very helpful sometimes.
vtknitboy says
15 years ago
knitting, spinning, weaving, cooking, canning, buddhism, tea, reading, hockey, plurking!
Loonyhiker says
15 years ago
crocheting, gardening, reading, hiking, technology, yoga, tai chi, digital scrapbooking
vtknitboy says
15 years ago
to b more precise: history of china, japan, india, tibet, nepal, burma, anything from the 1880s-1940s, etc.
vtknitboy says
15 years ago
gardening, birding, herbalism, traditional chinese medicine.
whichendisup says
15 years ago
omg... we are all nutz (LOL)
vtknitboy says
15 years ago
yet sometimes i'm STILL bored! not often though! there's also knitting or spinning while watching tv!
Ajastoy says
15 years ago
It doesnt, lol.
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