angie007 needs
14 years ago
advice on!!!
latest #12
chaddieR says
14 years ago
you might be a little past your prime (woot)
teacherricks says
14 years ago
Try to build up at least 50 friends. Troll Kevin's friend list and the lists of your other friends and make friend requests.
teacherricks says
14 years ago
Don't be afraid to jump in on the conversations around you.
angie007 says
14 years ago
thanks for the great advice!
teacherricks says
14 years ago
Glad to help. :-D
SDSherry says
14 years ago
The more you plurk, the better! And the more responses. If you are plurking and get no responses, that doesn't help. You need conversation
nanner87 says
14 years ago
great advice! Thanks so much
angie007 says
14 years ago
Thas is why I put an interesting plurk:-) Only my connectivity was HORRIBLE today, so no change of winning.
OhMy Goodness says
14 years ago
Make friends with the friends of Kevin H and follow what they write. Welcome, aboard.
SDSherry says
14 years ago
KevinH will be a great source of information!
knittingnerd says
14 years ago
make friends! I've requested you as a friend...if you'd like :-)
Scottley says
14 years ago
feel free to browse through my friends - lots of good educators there!
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