Res1 says
15 years ago
Goodnight...leaving you all with this thought...If you try to fail and succeed, what have you just done?
latest #22
Res1 says
15 years ago
lol dontkillthellama (LOL) good answer! the best I've heard yet! (cozy)
Res1 says
15 years ago
Res1 says
15 years ago
matter of fact, Asha, I think you just answered the unanswerable! Congrats! I'm gonna quote your perfect answer too! (cozy)
Res1 says
15 years ago
lol, that was my're an idiot with too much time on your hands LOL
15 years ago confused about the idiot part
Res1 says
15 years ago
Res1 says
15 years ago
~Love'J~™ says
15 years ago
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