XD;;;;;;;; I did nothing really
You did. e n e Mentioning those themes was more than enough to get my out of my annoyed mood.
.....but you asked XDDDDDDDD
/Seriously looking forward to pregnancy theme Holland >u>
I dunno who would get Holland pregnant e n e
Canada did self insemination.....
But denny hasn't been on for a while QAQ
She's... In Japan. I'm pretty sure.
My thoughts usually go straight to Denny or Spain.
8D Pass the preggers? /shotded
-Punts- I wanna do something outrageous >:C And Holland pregnant is that.
=u=;; hmm, Egypt has nothing to do-- *wide, stupid grin on face*
er... *thinks* poland? or somebody else totally random?
Hmm... I dunno. /Picky OTL
... You know, I did happen to come across several GermanyHolland fanfictions....... e v e
They were interesting and quite.. fun, to say the least.
well, I read 5 fanfics with holland
2 with denmark, 1 with belgium and 2 with germany. owo;
Pffft. I read quite a few Holland and Germany fanfictions where either tops.
And I read one where Holland has a stocking fetish
but that was with denmark
Go go go, shave yer legs Denny e u e
The one with Germany was Holland demanding him to go harder... = w =
the one that played 1974 after the wc-final... =3=
...-A little bit late?- -Would offer but plays Lovi too uke and straight-as-a-rainbow to be papa-
Hungary, you still lurking?
=u=;; ........ *quietly waves*
"straight as a rainbow" *sniggersnortrofl*
Does Hungary already have herself knocked up~?
I'd go for straight as a circle... Seeing as you'd be completely gay then 8D
8D Okay then! Straight as a circle!
And Hun's getting knocked up by Port right about now. >u>
Port's already asleep. XD;;
.../Is one of the few people not pregnant sob
/Would knock Hungary up, but if Port's already going to do that... = w =
......... /stares at Holland, horrified
=n= /offers Lovi at Holland
I'm not getting a 15 year old pregnant ; n ;
in the rp before, our korea come holland knocked up rome come sweden come lilli
W-what? /No comprehension
lilli was pregnant from holland
but holland was korea before
and little was sweden before and before that they were rome
...That was necessary for the story?
if you want to get switzerland mad
because. *points to holland's reaction*
=w= /Draws circles in the corner
*slaps Holland out of random purposes*
And no, I'd like to stay neutral buddies with him, even though we already are at war, sort of. e n e
You asshole. XD; Just to make Hol's brain explode.
why not insement...something.... like Canada did--
Canada... probably used Kumajirou ; n ;
Two people auto-pregging?
/offers a sex doll at Holland
England knocked up Spain. XD
You were knocked up by Denmark
/Knows Hol dislikes HolPan
...PanHol in this circumstance?
....... /Taiwan belongs to Hongy
*Cough* I'm going to have to say... I pretty much dislike any pairing with Japan. OTL
Baw, I'm such a picky bastard, it isn't funny anymore.
;w;'' /Picky too, sometimes
yeah, well, all other choices are pretty much crossed out
and belgium isn't really an option either
... What's that face for, Lovi?
you could ask nii-san, he'd be terrified though and girlmany would tease him ENDLESSLY if he got holland pregnant, but nii-san's bottom
Fffffff. That'd be totally amusing though.
Nothing~ /Wouldn't mind getting pregnant but would be a little awkward with the pregnancy
Pff. ;w;' 'S not like we're doing this theme together or anything.
And I mean, not just kill me, but tear me apart, burn me, torture me, think of anything else horrible kill me.
She'd probably have fun making a big deal out of it/threatening your life.
I'm sure I'd have more fun in pointing out that if she continues Spain will end up just as bankrupt as Greece = w =
if it weren't for my two kids already, I'd do it
I'mma try and persuade Gilbo.
You and your harem, Germany. :'>
Don't think Lovi would be much of a choice unless it'd be.... drunk sex and pregnancy by accident.
And they'd both be too tsundere. = 3 =
=w=; Tsundere soulmates! /Shot
... I actually just imagined how it'd happen.
It's... amusing, mind you.
With sparkles and such? /Thinks pregnancy theme is supposed to be amusing anywho
No, not with sparkles. xD
B'aww. =w= /Could see it happening randomly, like carts crashing together in the supermarket or something
I can totally see them being rejected and then Holland going to Belgium, but she doesn't want him around and thus heading for Romano = w =
And they both sulk, drink, get drunk, be a bunch of tsundere sissies and sex ensues 8D
ouo Perfect. XDD; And Bel plays as matchmaker to get Hol off her back. >u>
Now. Who is the one getting pregnant? e v e
When you're drunk, everyone can = w =
And if not, riding is an option.
-Flails arms; pathetic- /Would like to be seriously bitchy and abusive to you throughout pregnancy :'D
/Would probably be in denial when pregnant and then a bitch = w =
Pssh. /Would take advantage to throw shit. A lot
Especially if Hol rejected baby clothes that were picked out/ food Lovi made/etc.
/Would probably beat someone up
Oh God, I can see it happen
"No." "............................. -THROWS A MASSIVE FIT-"
Exactly. Even in the middle of a store. "Are *you* the fucking one carrying this child!? Tell me/"
"It's not like it's my fault you're pregnant. This is why a woman should always use birth control."
"-Screaming- Are you calling me a woman!?"
"Unless a man suddenly grows a womb, then, yes, I am."
"...-Dead silence- -Pulls out weapon-"
"What're you going to do with that, kill me? You sure you'll be able to raise a child that will look like me~?" The bastard.
;;w;; They'd be the most dysfunctional couple.
...The poor child would know most of the swears in Italian Dutch and English by the time it could speak.
Anyway, m'dear, I'm going to take a nap because my sleep got interrupted = 3 =
;u; -Tucks in; cuddle- Sleep well. And get a good amount of sleep this time. :T