for a bunch of money-minded freaks to relook at her appeal. If you've done nth wrong, pay for fuck? JUST FUCK THEM OVER. and i'mma help her
what happened? Sounds terrible.
let me guess, friend let grpmate see work. friend walks away for awhile. grpmate copy file into thumbdrive. grpmate change name and matric
both submit up and prof sees plagarised work. grpmate accuse friend of plagiarism. discipline comm don't know who copy who, so just punish
nope. it's grp work, each person works on a few paras. this extremely dumb girl goes plagiarises, grp mates don;t know. they submit it.
kena caught. now the girl is suspended, and all of them received an academic warning letter. the letter will also be mentioned in thier
transcripts. the 3 grp mates including my friend did not plagiarise, but they were humiliated in front of a panel of judges and the dean who
insisted all ofthem take the blame.
if they want to appeal for the matter, they will have to submit 300 fucking bucks, and wait till the end of the semester for it to
be looked at by the same panel of money-minded judges.
blame for what? as if everyone will know that the grpmate copy from where. the internet is a bottomless pit!
exactly. but their resistance were futile.
and students don't really have the same access to anti-plagiarism software that the faculty staff have.
cos it's groupwork. The judges dun know who plagarise and probably think that they should have checked their work properly
so since groupwork and they dun know its due to a specific member, they will penalise the whole team
no, the girl admitted she was the one who plagiarised, which is why she was the only one suspended
she was able to point out which para she plagiarised.
but they still penalised the entire team
wah! she still remember! LOL!
there is no logic in that
guess they wanna make sure that everyone bears responsibility for it.
do you expect the grpmates to check every single citation she writes down? it;'s fucking stupid, the system
and make sure that it will not happen in future
yea, but it bears serious consequences for the students' future. one of the grpmates already has been hired by a bank. now they're gonna
look at her transcript. she might potentially lose her jbo
then it's better to go appeal against the "sentence"?
yeps, but they have to pay 300 bucks!
which is ridiculous! pay for something you never did wrong for.
yaa. the rest of the grpmates guai guai pay the 300.
my friend doesn't want to pay, but she's too meek to raise the issue.
they are THE G0vernMantis! everything is fine and pay!!! woots!
I think if that happened to redlips, the person who plagarized would be dead.
aloe: horrible lor! 300 bucks is not a small amnt to a student at that.
phazey: lol. i think the girl is already suspended from sch for a year.
technically you can't really fight the decision of the tribunal
their word is final, if you choose to appeal their decision, then you have to take out the $300
and unless you can adduce new evidence, either through witnesses or by bringing in similar cases... i think it is hard
plagiarism is taken seriously in most universities. and it is unfortunate they all put their name on it
Yap. All names there hence all liable. It's a bit harsh on your innocent pals but..... no choice. Group work....
idk, i have a senior who says he got into a similar case and he managed to get out of it by emailing the dean personally.
i think it's worth a try. i mean, this cld potentially affect their future prospects.
Ya. Sometimes appealing to top people help. U gotta have a real good reason and strive till the end lor. U might wanna ask your pal to try
mm hmm, she's very meek type, so i'll help her draft the letter and push for it.
hope your efforts will not be in vain,
msvindicta. life can really be too bad sometimes.
should work. if crafted correctly. based on what was shared, the other students have a valid argument to not be penalised
i mean, it's not as if they don't know who plagiarised, they already know the culprit. so i don't see why they need to punish the rest.
because they put their name on it. heh. and failed to check citations.
but it's really silly what. even when i do grp work, i split the work, i do up my part and i trust that the rest will as well. nobody goes
thru every citation individually to check if anybody plagiarised.
yeah but what is practice need not be what is expected. law students tend to check all cites even if it is a combined work
ah. then again, we're not law students!
yeah but citation checking is important in academia as well as the legal profession
i am sure bankers don't need to cite check, but there are other things they need to double check even if not done by them
true lah. aiyah, sigh. but don't you think it's unfair to punish them too?
i mean, if you mark the assignment as a fail then okay, i think it's alright. but if you want to blacklist them and write something negative
on their transcripts, then i don't think they deserve so severe a punishment
life is unfair and ur fren is damn suay la! wtf is wrong w the one who is in the wrog
she already got suspended actually. if it's me, i wld force her to pay the 300 bucks for me. 0.0
well you can always make a persuasive argument to fail the assignment but remove the warning letter.
mm hmm. i think that's a more fair judgment.
offer contrition and the promise to be more vigilant
and perhaps sweeten the deal with a promise to help out at a university event, or some community service
er, no need bah. i see no need in boot-licking
i pity the girl who got hired by the bank the most. she needs to redo the module so she can get her first class honours, otherwise the C she
got for this mod will ruin her grades
if collectively pay 300 maybe still can phantom. But 300 per person?? Anyway, the girl who was at fault should pay for the whole group.
ya, idk what the 300 bucks is for as well? printing paper ah? or for their time?
i think they feel bad to make her pay. she didn't volunteer also
offering to do some community work is not bootlicking but an act of contrition
bootlicking is if you tell the dean he/she is damn good looking
i don't think my friend is interested in community work though. she just wants to get her name cleared.
sometimes beggars can't be choosers
hire mb and ask him to represent the grp
well, i do have a journalist friend who's interested in reporting the situation ..
hmm, he spoke to his editor already, his focus for the story is more on plagiarism than anything.
i mean, we wldn't go there unless the dean really refuses to look at the matter. but i'll drop a mention that we have media support in the
email, just to push him. because i really don't think one should grovel when one hasn't done anyhting wrong
no that girl is plain lazy! her grp mates even asked her if she needed help etc, but she turned them down. then just went to copy wholesale
lol! really! hmm, i mean, my email will be polite lah, but it will be firm. i'm also gng to namedrop. a friend who was in a similar
situation but was valedictorian for his year got let off, and i'm gonna mention him. he says he can pull his own strings also if the dean
the vice dean jeffwee is referring to is the one from arts?
your friend is in no situation to be firm... it is a beg beg grovel gtovel situation
yeah. Want revenge, wait till grad liao then say.
hmm, i'm not gng to write the email and make it official first. i will go and talk to the dean with her next week. see if we can talk him
barffie: hmm, cause i think they changed the vice dean! now it's a male!