14 years ago
got my macbook pro :-)
latest #34
14 years ago
:-o pics! what OS do you have on it?
14 years ago
idk how to screen shot yet lol and it has a mac os
F off
14 years ago
Nice.. I've always wanted a mac..
F off
14 years ago
But after realizing that they have diff operating system, it just turns me off :-(
5ue partage
14 years ago
14 years ago
if i really wanted to i could put any os i want on it
14 years ago
i just rather keep it like this so i can learn about a diff kind of comp
14 years ago
now i have three computer screens on my desk and it looks badd ass lol
F off
14 years ago
3 pc? You over priviledge dude!
14 years ago
lol no 1 pc with a dual screen and 1 mac :-P i bought the mac today with my money so yeah :-P
14 years ago
i had to pay for it in cash cause my stupid account was fucked uo by the bankers :S
F off
14 years ago
El PEdro
14 years ago
Mac is failz0rs
14 years ago
so far so good, if it goes 2 years with no probs ill have to say its more durable than the pc i had
14 years ago
plus its cheaper with the student discount
14 years ago
(heart_beat) (heart_beat) (heart_beat) my macs!
14 years ago
I converted both my siblings, now my sis has a MacBook and my brother has the desktop and they both have iPhones (dance)
14 years ago
thinks I should get a discount for recruiting...
14 years ago
lol macs are nice, but for compatibility, I prefer windows. Linux is also pretty cool! you all should try O_O
14 years ago
wtf why would having different OS be a turnoff?? wtf? I hate those stuff where you can't choose what you want (like the ipad+appscensorship)
F off
14 years ago
I just dont see the point of getting a mac and using a diff os for it.. N mac os is kind of inconvenient..
14 years ago
well if the hardware is better than a pc for the cost then i dont see why not. and i dont know how its inconvient
14 years ago
i already put programs on here than can read all pc file types and mac
14 years ago
next im going to put ms office :-P
14 years ago
I don't have any compatibility issues, even though i send stuff through my moms pc to print :-P
14 years ago
and yeah paying for ms office is worth it, open office sucks
14 years ago
im not paying for it though :-P
14 years ago
is gonna ask a friend to do some magic ;D
14 years ago
haha that works too, I wont tell ;-)
14 years ago
macs are way better you wont know drat yo do without the crashing. lol
14 years ago
yeah i can tell so far that its construction is way better because it was actually designed with heat transfer in mind. unlike alot of pc's
14 years ago
yeah the only pc laptop I ever bought burned out the hard-drive in less than a school year from overheating - that's when I switched :-D
Sheryls dit
14 years ago
I heard new design next yr so I'm trying to wait
14 years ago
they have a new design every months or so :-P
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