Jez in Khh
14 years ago
Do people in Khh eat? I met with 2 friends today, neither could think of 1 place to eat! Lunch or dinner. I am going to fucking starve!
Xavier!!!!! says
14 years ago
(lmao) (lmao) it depends on who's going to pay~ ;-)
Jez in Khh
14 years ago
Shit, I was happy to pay!! That's it, I'm new here, I'm not meeting up anyone unless they know where to go! (nottalking)
Xavier!!!!! says
14 years ago
(rofl) (rofl) (rofl)... i know how to go to IKEA!!!! (woot)
Jez in Khh
14 years ago
Cool, at least we get meatballs! (lmao)
Xavier!!!!! says
14 years ago
(mmm) meatballs!!!!!! with that jam!!!!! (hungry)~~ and the french fry~~~ (mmm) (fireworks) (applause) (fireworks)