14 years ago
happened to be in the middle of a business meeting when his phone went off. Needless to say, the picture texts he received were NOT worksafe
latest #299
14 years ago
, Frankreich, damn it.
Francis thinks
14 years ago
he should have expected it, really. So is that a yes? You know you want some of this. Have some more photo texts.
14 years ago
's phone can't handre so many photo texts at once and promptly freezes right after he gets a lengthy swear-filled text sent back. And right
14 years ago
as that charming ballbuster of a woman stops to ask how he's fairings. Verdammt.
14 years ago
really isn't bothered by this. Maybe more amused than anything. He figures if he keeps sending them, Ludwig will really make him *pay*-
14 years ago
for it, and mon dieu, he'd just *love* that.
14 years ago
excuses himself to the bathroom after a very awkward conversation, during which he blames the Italians so the poor woman just nods in-
14 years ago
understanding. He has to pop the battery out to restart his phone, but once it's back in and on, he dials Francis' number.
14 years ago
glances at his phone once it starts ringing. It's in his hand still, but even then, he lets it ring a few times before answering in a -
14 years ago
rather cheery tone, as if he hadn't just texted all of that to him. "Allô, Ludwig."
Ludwig is
14 years ago
seething of course, so his english may be a little hard to understand. "I am going to kill you." Without so much as a hello too.
Francis is
14 years ago
still a bit amused, really. "That's not a very nice thing to do. I would have thought you'd enjoy the photos I sent. Did you see-
14 years ago
the one I took of me licking that dildo? It turned out nicely."
14 years ago
grits his teeth. "Yes, I saw it. And so did the chancellor."
14 years ago
bites his lip a moment, wondering briefly if this means he'll be in trouble with *his* boss. "You liked it so much you showed her?"
14 years ago
makes an effort not to shout, but he's still loud enough that his voice echoes off the walls. "I didn't show her. I was in a meeting. She
14 years ago
came up to speak to me. Do you have nothing better to do with your time?"
14 years ago
lounges back on his couch. "I was unaware that there are better things to do." He pauses. "Do you want to tie me up?"
14 years ago
rubs that one particular spot on his forehea that seems to start aching whenever the voice on the other line is French. "I want to punch you
14 years ago
in the throat."
14 years ago
rather likes trying to antagonise him. "...Well, I suppose you can do that, as long as you don't get my face."
14 years ago
doesn't realize he's playing right into this. "When I'm finished with you, your face will be the least of your concerns."
14 years ago
"Oh, really? That's good. I want you to punish me *hard*. That ordeal must have been *mortifying*. Make me pay for it."
14 years ago
scowls and excuses himself from the restroom as several people enter. "I plan on it."
Francis has
14 years ago
to suppress a small happy noise so he doesn't ruin this mood. "Come do it then."
Ludwig has
14 years ago
to lower his voice in the hallway but still manages to sound just as angry. "I am not riding that damn train eight hours just to teach
14 years ago
you a lesson."
14 years ago
twirls his hair and looks up at the ceiling. "You could take a plane. That's what, two hours?"
14 years ago
hangs up on him.
14 years ago
stares at his phone. Well, that was anticlimatic.
14 years ago
isn't getting on a damn plane unless you're paying for your own ass-beating.
Francis thinks
14 years ago
it'd be worth it so he will. He just won't go to the airport to pick him up. Just to be more troublesome.
Ludwig will
14 years ago
have to be persuaded, you know. Or annoyed enough.
14 years ago
could email some photos to some of the people who work in his office? That information isn't hard to find, you know. How's that?
14 years ago
doesn't think he's stupid enough to try that.
Francis is
14 years ago
by no means stupid. But he just may be willing to see how far he can push Ludwig.
14 years ago
can't guarantee it won't end up worse than what he got it last time if he tries some shit like that.
Francis thinks
14 years ago
it should be rather obvious that he doesn't mind that. ...Oh, you know what's even better than just emailing those photos? Photoshopping-
14 years ago
them first.
14 years ago leaving work now, verdammt.
14 years ago
...and coming here?
Ludwig is
14 years ago
*going home*.
14 years ago
could go over there...
Ludwig will
14 years ago
meet him at the door with ropes if he tries that today.
14 years ago
...that'll save him the trouble of having to explain why he's bringing his own to airport personnel!
14 years ago embarrassed *for* him.
14 years ago
isn't at all! It'll be a great story later. At least...the other stuff isn't so much of a violation.
14 years ago
recommends he stay right there in France today. And probably the next few days or however long it takes him to cool off.
14 years ago
....too late.
14 years ago
doesn't feel inclined to do something stupid to stop the plane from lifting off.
14 years ago
doesn't know this and is planning on going about his normal evening routine in peace.
Francis is
14 years ago
apparently going to ruin that evening routine. But hey, at least he knocks on the front door.
Ludwig is
14 years ago
actually in the kitchen about to start dinner when he hears the knock. Sighing, he turns the burner off and heads for the door, not-
14 years ago
bothering to check out the little side window panel first to see who it is. ...naturally as soon as the door opens, he wishes he had.-
14 years ago
"You have *got* to be kidding me."
14 years ago
offers him a little smile and wave. "You could at least pretend to be happy to see me." However, he's not dumb enough to just try to-
14 years ago
force himself inside. He'll just stand at the doorstep and keep talking until Ludwig either slams the door in his face or something else.
Ludwig is
14 years ago
actually surprised he showed up wearing clothes. Hopefully they aren't expensive - just seeing Francis smile like that *irritates* him-
14 years ago
enough that he grabs him by the shirtfront and drags him inside, kicking the door shut behind them. Instead of letting go he holds on-
14 years ago
tighter. "I'm not that good of an actor."
14 years ago
always wears expensive clothing, but at least he decided to wear clothes that he doesn't really care if they get stretched out or worse. -
14 years ago
Despite Ludwig's obvious irritation, he still reaches up and runs his fingertips over the other's hand. "Well now you're certainly fooling-
14 years ago
me. You pulled me in so quickly, you must truly be thrilled I'm here."
14 years ago
jerks him hard, using both hands to nearly lift him off his feet in bringing him closer. Surely that look can't be mistaken for *thrilled*.
14 years ago
"After what you pulled today? Do you know what sort of *shit*storm you could have caused had anyone seen those pictures in close detail?!"
14 years ago
grabs at his wrists out of instinct but doesn't try pulling away. Perhaps he looks thrilled in the sense that Francis wants him pissed. -
14 years ago
"It's just as much your fault as mine. It's not like you had to check your texts right then. *Especially* if you were in a meeting. That's-
14 years ago
bad form."
14 years ago
shakes him roughly once. "I always check my texts because only Gilbert and Feliciano text me, and only in emergency situations!" Well, that
Ludwig was
14 years ago
what he *told* them to do. Neither listened; he constantly got horribly spelled messages from Gilbert about porn and other idiotic
14 years ago
things. Like grocery lists.
14 years ago
fights against the shaking just a little. "Well, you could see that it's from me before it's opened. So it's still your fault."
14 years ago
shoves him away. Whether he lands up against the wall, on his ass or doesn't go down at all depends entirely on his grace or lack thereof.-
14 years ago
"It is *not* because you shouldn't be sending me such disgusting pictures! What if our cell phones are monitored? You want this to get out?-
14 years ago
" There now. He's completely pissed off enough to start storming off.
14 years ago
almost missteps but manages to keep himself from falling down. He ought to really just stop the conversation where it's at, but he didn't -
14 years ago
come all this way to only be yelled at. "They weren't *disgusting* and you know that. And so what? It's not like it falls back on you if-
14 years ago
those got out. You didn't send them."
14 years ago
blushes so intensely that even the back of his neck lights up red. But that gets him to stop at least, somewhere in the vicinity of the-
14 years ago
stairs and the entryway closet on the opposite wall. "They were on *my phone*, Frankreich. Of course it would fall back on me! Our-
14 years ago
politics are strained at best and yet you send me pictures of" Doing things that fluster him so much he can only communicate-
14 years ago
through handwaves. Damn Italians...
14 years ago
simply shrugs. "Politics and personal stuff is separate to a small degree but if anyone saw it it's just proof that we're getting along -
14 years ago
well. That could actually help politics."
14 years ago
's expression drops, but not towards the positive. Rather, it's slack-jawed disbelief that Francis could suggest such a thing. "You will-
14 years ago
go to any means to defend fucking around with someone, won't you?" If anything, this just enrages him further.
14 years ago
isn't sure how to reply just yet. "You're blowing this out of proportion. I just thought you'd like those photos."
14 years ago
generally blows most things out of proportion when he gets angry enough. He *is* rational, usually, but this embarrassed him too. And he-
14 years ago
isn't sure just what he would do if it became common knowledge that he frequently slept with Francis. "I am not! This is..this is exactly-
14 years ago
in proportion!" Just like grabbing him and forcing him up against the wall next to the closet is a perfectly rational reaction. "Do you-
14 years ago
*want* to piss me off?"
14 years ago
isn't sure what he'd do if certain people found that out either, but he hasn't thought of this at all. He's too caught up in this. -
14 years ago
Due to the collision of his shoulders and the wall, it takes a moment to reply. "I told you earlier what I want."
14 years ago
isn't in any mind to make this enjoyable for him, but sure, he'll oblige. All he has to do is reach right into that closet to find something
14 years ago
to bind his wrists with. Like that leather belt. Francis' needs to be front-first against the wall though. Better fix that first.
14 years ago
almost grins when he's forced to become well acquainted with the wall. He's compliant, of course, and even tugs a little to-
14 years ago
make sure he's securely bound.
Ludwig will
14 years ago
pull that belt tight enough to cut circulation off, that way he can use it to jerk Francis back and slam him to floor.
14 years ago
falls to the floor hard. It's not like he can break his fall like this. But at least he managed to avoid ramming his nose on the floor.
14 years ago
falls to the floor hard. It's not like he can break his fall like this. But at least he managed to avoid ramming his nose on the floor.
14 years ago
puts his foot between Francis' shoulderblades and pulls his arms up and back. "I hope you remember what happened last time. Consider that
14 years ago
Francis is
14 years ago
flexible, but not so much like this. He bites the inside of his cheek to try to keep from groaning. "Bring it."
14 years ago
pulls harder, heel grinding down against Francis' spine. In another moment he'll haul him off the floor and drag him up the stairs by-
14 years ago
his fucking hair--...or he would, were there not another person standing in the foyer watching them. In only his boxers, holding a bowl of-
14 years ago
cereal with the spoon hanging out of his mouth, Gilbert really makes quite the spectator.
14 years ago
swears under his breath and tries to shift vainly to get that heel elsewhere. Considering his position, it shouldn't be a surprise -
14 years ago
swears under his breath and tries to shift vainly to get that heel elsewhere. Considering his position, it shouldn't be a surprise -
14 years ago
that he has yet to notice Gilbert. He probably won't, unless he ends up speaking.
14 years ago
hasn't moved an inch since he spotted Gilbert. But if it's causing Francis a good deal of pain, well...not his top concern. At least-
14 years ago
Gilbert isn't throwing that bowl at either of them just yet.
14 years ago
isn't about to throw anything. He pulls the spoon out of his mouth and smirks. "You two sure have some fuckin' odd ways of hashin' out-
14 years ago
political debates."
14 years ago
turns his head toward the direction he hears Gilbert's voice and just *stares*, ignoring the pain for the moment. "...Yeah. We're -
14 years ago
discussing...policies concerning immigration."
14 years ago
draws up alongside Ludwig and looks down at Francis, head cocked. "Mhm. Tryin' to dump your Roma on us, are ya?"
14 years ago
sets his head on the floor. It's easier doing that than trying to hold it up to look around. "They aren't mine."
14 years ago
nudges him in the side with his foot. "Ain't ours either. But we alread been through all that, huh?" Here he stops, because the look on-
14 years ago
Ludwig's face is fucking *murderous*. "How come he's got you all tied up, *Frankreich*?"
14 years ago
would shrug, but he's not even going to try to attempt that in this position. "You know how he is. Takes everything way too seriously and -
14 years ago
flips out." He's quite aware that's not a direct answer.
14 years ago
decides now is a great time to get Francis on his feet again, and as painfully as possible too. "Quiet."
14 years ago
swears some more. It hurts, yes, but he's had it much worse so the pain isn't crippling. "You going to gag me if I don't?"
14 years ago
doesn't give Ludwig a chance to answer. He grabs Francis' chin with his free hand and tilts his head up, smirking. "With several things."-
14 years ago
This has nothing to do with him, but damn if Francis doesn't look hot restrained like that.
14 years ago
tries to jerk his chin out from Gilbert's hand so he can try nipping at whatever he can get his mouth on. "What sort of things? Thick,-
14 years ago
hard things that'll hit the back of my throat?"
14 years ago
digs his fingers in at the same time Ludwig jerks on his wrists. "Nothin' you'll like. He looks pretty fuckin' pissed."
14 years ago
frowns, but doesn't jerk his head after that. He doesn't want skin getting scraped there. "He's the one who let himself get so mad."
14 years ago
propels Francis forward so suddenly that Gilbert has to do a quick shuffle back out of the way. "He has intentionally been pushing-
14 years ago
me today. He deserves this." They're aiming for the stairs, by the way, Gilbert trailing along behind.
14 years ago
stumbles again, and it's a goddamn miracle that he doesn't ram his teeth into the edge of the stairs when he inevitably trips. "It's not-
14 years ago
like there was much choice."
14 years ago
doesn't try too hard to catch him or give him an opportunity to catch his balance properly before dragging him on up toward the bedroom.-
14 years ago
At least he'll get tossed onto the bed once they get there. "What the hell is that supposed to-" That's cut short thanks to Gilbert-
14 years ago
latching on to his arm, leaning up to mutter something. ...something that Ludwig planned on doing anyway, but to save face, he'll agree-
14 years ago
and let Gilbert think tying Francis up just to take turns fucking him was his idea entirely.
14 years ago
bites the inside of his cheek as he's dragged upstairs. He sighs a little when he lands on the bed, relaxing as much as he can-
14 years ago
for the moment. He doesn't hear Gilbert, so he has no idea what's going on behind him.
14 years ago
's probably the only reason Francis is going to get out of this with a hard fuck and some rope burns, instead of a lot of bruises and-
14 years ago
bleeding. In his opinion, anyway. That doesn't mean he's not going to help drag a few things out of the closet first, one of which he-
14 years ago
taps lazily against Francis' backside. This draws a careful glance from Germany, but not one Gilbert can see.
14 years ago
inches up on the bed a little so he can rest his head on a pillow while the other two do whatever. He's not that far off in what he's -
14 years ago
imagining them doing. Actually, he's right on when he feels that on his back. But the most he does to react to it is trying to glance -
14 years ago
back to see who's handling it.
14 years ago
rarely ever gets to be in this position. He's usually the one getting his arms pushed above his head and secured to one bedpost. So he-
14 years ago
takes a great deal of pleasure watching this scenario unfold, smirking as Ludwig tightens the chain linking those handcuffs he snapped-
14 years ago
around Francis' wrists tighter to the post.
14 years ago
( okay so i suck at descriptions. pretend i said something about lud flipping francis onto his back so he could tie his wrists above his
14 years ago
head like that. :/ )
14 years ago
didn't expect to be put on his back; but he likes this better since he'll be able to see what's going on. After his wrists are secured, he-
14 years ago
jerks at the handcuffs a little to get a feel for exactly how secure they are. Which of course they are, very much.
14 years ago
climbs up onto the bed first, standing overtop Francis. He keeps the crop too, since it's much more entertaining to have something to tease
14 years ago
Francis with while he's up there. His grin slants some as he twitches the leather end over Francis' nipple."You're lucky. He's starting-
14 years ago
simple on you."
14 years ago
looks up at him, finding this a rather interesting view. His back arches in response to the crop, along with a small moan. "I don't know-
14 years ago
why. I can handle more."
14 years ago
shouldn't be surprised. This *is* France..."It'll be more entertaining if he breaks you in slow." The crop moves up to his cheek,-
14 years ago
threatening but only patting for now. He isn't sure what Ludwig's doing, but he's being awful damn quiet about it.
14 years ago
scowls and jerks his head away as much as he can. Patting or not, he doesn't want any marks left on his face. Not only would that be bad-
14 years ago
for every time he looks in the mirror, but if he can't get anything to cover it..,well, he would prefer not to have to deal with questioning
14 years ago
at work. "I suppose. "
14 years ago
"...But, I must admit, if it's going to go this slowly, I'll end up napping." A little teasing never hurts.
14 years ago
smirks and lets silence fall thick over the room, as if to emphasize exactly who is in control here. At the moment, it's Ludwig- the
14 years ago
snap that practically echoes in the room is entirely familiar, probably even the same ring he's worn countless times. And that's followed up
14 years ago
with the sharp smack of the crop right in Francis' face. Right where Gilbert knows he doesn't want it.
14 years ago
tries to not do more than wince, but that's impossible. He groans loudly and tries jerking away as much as he can, which isn't-
14 years ago
much at all, of course. And it does nothing to take away the sharp sting that's moving across his face. "...Salaud."
14 years ago
drops onto his knees, straddling Francis' chest and pats the red stripe on his face. "Mn, I love it when you make that face. Still trying-
14 years ago
to be all arrogant and cocky, aren't ya?" Have another swat to the face with Gilbert's bare palm.
Francis was
14 years ago
going to settle for just glaring at him, but after that smack, the only apparent way to retaliate is to try spitting at him. "Fuck you."
14 years ago
doesn't even flinch. He slaps him again and returns the favor. At some point, maybe when he got on his knees, Ludwig got the crop. Just-
14 years ago
as Gilbert's getting his hand down his shorts, there's a sharp crack from behind him. Since his back isn't smarting, he can only assume-
14 years ago
that's Ludwig punishing Francis for spitting on him, probably across the upper thighs.
14 years ago
tries getting the spit off by turning his head to the side, but it's useless. He's a bit preoccupied hissing over the combined pain -
14 years ago
of that crop and Gilbert's hand.
14 years ago
scoots up another few inches, snickering, close enough that when he starts stroking himself, the head of his cock is only an inch away-
14 years ago
from Francis' face. "Y'know...I don't think I like this handcuff bullshit. I think we need ropes, Lud. I wanna see how he handles some-
14 years ago
real fuckin' bondage. Won't be so cocky then, will ya?" And bless him, after a beat Germany actually mutters an agreement and moves to the-
14 years ago
14 years ago
fully intends to bite his cock if Gilbert gets close enough. The most he does now move enough to try knocking Gilbert off his chest. He's-
14 years ago
still certain he can handle all of it, so that sound he makes in response to the mentioning of the ropes? Utterly arrogant.
14 years ago
settles more of his slight weight on Francis to try to keep him from bucking too much. He'll move off in a second because Ludwig's-
14 years ago
standing there with an armload of thick nylon rope. But first he'll make a big show of pulling him over by the shirtfront to kiss him.
14 years ago
could look away if he wanted to. Or close his eyes. But Francis is a voyeur at heart so he really doesn't mind watching this at all.
14 years ago
minds quite a bit, actually, and not at all because it's his brother. This is old habit but never in front of anyone. Francis isn't just-
14 years ago
anyone either. Francis is...Francis is...watching them awful fucking intently. This works to Gilbert's benefit - he takes advantage of the
14 years ago
distraction to tongue him rather thoroughly, even getting him to respond before he pulls back panting. ...sneaky little bastard's undone-
14 years ago
his pants somewhere in the meantime too.
14 years ago
gets really hot watching this. It's a shame he's cuffed, otherwise he'd be finding a way to join in that.
Gilbert wants
14 years ago
more out of him, wants to really put on a show for Francis, *on* Francis practically, but West won't let him go farther. He pries his hands
14 years ago
away and shoots him a look, one made absolutely filthy by the blush on his cheeks and the way he holds that rope. Gilbert smirks at him and
14 years ago
rolls off the bed, moving to remove the chain holding Francis' wrists to the post. "Roll over, boy."
14 years ago
doesn't tear his eyes from them until that little show ends. He turns onto his stomach complaintly, taking this moment to rest his wrists.
14 years ago
opens the cuffs and takes the moment to rub the red circles on Francis' wrists. Then he repositions his arms, folding them across his back-
14 years ago
so either hand is resting against the opposite elbow. ( fff i hope that makes sense. e.e )
14 years ago
14 years ago
lets Gilbert do that, not finding it uncomfortable yet... (it does!)
14 years ago
doesn't hold on too tight since Francis isn't fighting. Ludwig knows how to handle the ropes better than he does though, so when he starts-
14 years ago
Gilbert just shifts out of the way. It's a really complex arrangement; hard to realize when he's usually the one being bound. Eventually-
14 years ago
Francis will wind up with his arms bound tightly to his back, those ropes anchored to a complex system of knots and rope crossing over his-
14 years ago
chest and middle, around his waist and even between his thighs. The midpoints down his chest are all diamond shapes created by various-
14 years ago
knots in the rope. Francis' legs take a less complex work and don't render him completely helpless. Both legs have to be pulled back to-
14 years ago
bind them, rope twisting around lower thigh and calf to keep him from straightening them. It takes a good deal of time and maneuvering, but
14 years ago
Gilbert stays patient, only watching the way Ludwig's hands move over Francis' body, jerking and tugging on the rope but in some places...-
14 years ago
he isn't as rough. Almost like he's actually being *gentle* in between tightening the ropes. Pft, yeah right. Fat fuckin' chance.
14 years ago
isn't bothered by this since the rope hasn't had time to rub too much. He squirms a little, and tries to see what's happening next.
14 years ago
picks up the crop again and, since Francis is attempting to watch, sticks it between his legs. He teases from the base of Francis' balls-
14 years ago
and back, flicking the leather end against his more sensitive area. "What should we do with you, Frankreich?"
14 years ago
sets his head down and groans a little and tries to nudge back. "Baises-moi." Straight to the point, but in his own tongue.
14 years ago
(...baisez would be the proper conjugation in this case. derp)
14 years ago
shrugs. "Eh. Typical. I wanna play first. He'll just hand the crop off to Ludwig while he gets the proper instrument to do so.
14 years ago
still tries watching to see what Gilbert goes to get, but it's easier to glance back over at Ludwig and that crop, not really feeling the-
14 years ago
need to say anymore yet.
14 years ago
can probably guess what Gilbert's after, but he sure as hell isn't going to tell him they've already done that. And really, Gilbert can-
14 years ago
get creative when handed control. He tugs at the ropes running between Francis' legs. "This is a good look on you."
14 years ago
moves little more than what the ropes cause him to do, and that's simply an effort to try to get Ludwig's hands on *him* and not -
14 years ago
on the ropes. "How hot does it get you?" Take your clothes off; he wants to see.
14 years ago
withdraws his hand immediately. No rewards, except for what Gilbert's pulling out of a box right now. "Gag him. I've heard enough of-
14 years ago
that mouth today. *Not* with your dick, idiot. Not yet." And Christ, Gilbert's actually *pouting* over that. A quick switch of the crop-
14 years ago
across the backs of his thighs will get him moving though, back to the box to get something to shove in Francis' mouth.
14 years ago
tries to look disappointed, but he's really not at all. He wanted this, and a gag won't really stop him from *trying* to talk. You'll just-
14 years ago
have to endure him making unintelligible sounds.
14 years ago
expected Gilbert to go with the ball gag or at least the duct tape. The tape would be particularly cruel at least. That was what they used-
14 years ago
last time, when Ludwig found several plates of days-old food in Gilbert's room and needed to vent frustration. What he comes back with is-
14 years ago
the one that looks a little like a horse bit. The black bar is much smaller and the straps will fit flat against Francis' cheeks. -
14 years ago
Actually, they might leave his skin somewhat bruised if Gilbert tightens it up too much.
14 years ago
wasn't expecting that either. But he's a cocky fucker who thinks he can handle it all. Which he can. Totally. He can handle *anything*. But-
14 years ago
if he ends up with bruises on his face after this, he'll be absolutely livid. But for now, he'll be somewhat compliant.
14 years ago
sort of forgets that certain precautions need to be taken with that gag. "Open up. And don't bite or I'll headbutt your teeth out. That's
14 years ago
what you people do, isn't it?" Just in case he thinks of resisting, Ludwig twists the rope nearest Francis' throat and yanks back on it.
14 years ago
would have resisted if his teeth had't been threatened. And that rope. Fuck. So he opens his mouth so the bit can be placed in.
14 years ago
sets the bar in his mouth and fixes the straps around his his head. They buckle in the back, under Francis' hair. It's only the lack of
14 years ago
reins and protruding metal parts for them to attach to that keep it from looking horse-like. "I like it! What d'you think, bitch?"
14 years ago
frowns as it's secured and a few hairs snag on the straps. He doesn't want to speak, because he knows he'll sound retarded with-
14 years ago
with that bit in his mouth. So you'll have to forgive him for opting to simply glare.
14 years ago
isn't in much of a forgiving mood, remember? He swats at Gilbert's hand when it starts creeping down Francis' back. ...and then pulls him
14 years ago
over to mutter ideas in German. Ones that Gilbert seems to enjoy, because before Ludwig even finishes gilbert's already working his cock
14 years ago
through his pants, smirking at Francis. Gilbert leans heavily against his brother and kisses his throat, red trained on the bound man. "Ever
14 years ago
heard of something called orgasm denial, Frankreich?" While Gilbert nearly rocks against him, hips working against his thigh, Ludwig moves
14 years ago
the crop along the ropes, leather snapping now and then against him.
14 years ago
watches them intently. Part of him really can't stand this, simply because of how hot it gets him and he's not in a position to do-
14 years ago
anything about it. He nods in response to the question, but still says nothing. Every time that crop hits his skin though, he-
14 years ago
groans and arches his back.
14 years ago
really enjoys molesting Ludwig. He's getting so into it that there might accidentally be a mark on Ludwig's neck that'll still be there-
14 years ago
tomorrow. Ludiwig will get back payback though, first by shoving Gilbert down onto the bed. *'You want to play with him. Play.'*-
14 years ago
Nothing better than permission. His hands move immediately to Francis thighs, toucing only skin and no rope.
Francis likes
14 years ago
this physical contact so much better than just watching them, which should be obvious by the way he tries spreading his thighs as much-
14 years ago
as possible with the ropes. His attention is fully on Gilbert now, though, so he has no idea what Ludwig's up to.
14 years ago
doesn't need to see Ludwig to know what he's doing. He's just watching for now, making sure Gilbert obeys even if he isn't the center of-
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the lesson here. He isn't going to rebel against this though. He crawls right up the bed and settles between Francis' thighs, red-
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flickering up as he simply brushes his lips over Francis' cock, occasionally letting his tongue dart out to wet the flushed skin.
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somehow forgot for a moment that his arms are bound, even though they're behind him and he'd felt his own weight on them this whole time. -
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He's reminded the moment he feels like he almost jerked his arm out of socket. He'll go without nestling his hand in Gilbert's hair like-
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usual. But this doesn't really bother him. He simply keeps his eyes locked on Gilbert and moans lightly, hips bucking somewhat to demand-
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more contact.
Gilbert is
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actually going to oblige him this for now. Getting him worked up is part of the point. Actually, he echoes Francis' moan with his own,-
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right as his mouth closes around his cock, because Ludwig's hands are working his shorts down way too slowly.
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bucks his hips up harder this time, because that moan feels amazing around his cock. He tilts his head back briefly, but only that, so he-
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can continue watching Gilbert.
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hasn't done this with Gilbert in quite some time, so despite the tempting picture Francis makes, his attention is elsewhere at the moment.-
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He takes his time getting Gilbert's shorts off because it gives him an excuse to run his hands back up his thighs and over his ass just as-
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slowly. Gilbert's still working Francis' cock, but Ludwig can feel the way his breath catches in his throat when he wraps a hand around his
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erection and pumps him several times in quick succession. Gilbert's watching Francis, but Ludwig's watching Gilbert's mouth take in every-
14 years ago
14 years ago
finds it impossible to not get worked up over this. The view's amazing and Gilbert's mouth is talented. So talented that he can stand to-
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close his eyes and focus solely on that sensation now.
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would much prefer to finish this off and get his face messy. Ludwig's just not going to let him. He gives him just a little longer, then-
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suddenly jerks Gilbert back and slaps that damn crop across his inner thighs, one after the other. That even makes Gilbert wince a little.
Francis was
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in the middle of bucking his hips and moaning loudly when Ludwig pulls Gilbert back and his thighs are assaulted with the crop. That moan-
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turns into a cry while he tries drawing his thighs up in attempt to somehow soothe the sharp sting that's radiating from the impact spot-
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to the rest of his thighs.
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hits him a few more times, back and forth between his thighs, then once across the chest, taking care to hit a nipple. He's not going to-
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give Francis time to recover from that though. As soon as he finishes he tosses the crop aside and directs Gilbert to get another set of-
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ropes out. While he's doing that, Ludwig resumes Gilbert's earlier task with Francis' cock.
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tries to squirm from beneath the crop, but it's no use. He bites on the bit to help ease the pain, but as soon as his nipple's hit, he's-
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swearing loudly. His body is already aching so much that he almost can't enjoy what's being done to his cock. Almost. But a moment later-
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he's trying to thrust up into Ludwig's mouth, simply as a way for payback.
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stands there beside the bed watching at first. He smirks when Francis nearly chokes Ludwig too. Then he climbs back up on the bed beside-
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Ludwig, sets the ropes down, and leans down to help. Ludwig lets him, surprisingly; lips, tongues, fingers meet over and around Francis'-
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cock, both of them taking turns in what area they're sucking or teasing. But Gilbert's the first one to get his fingers up Francis' ass.-
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Both of them laugh, but Gilbert cuts short a second later when Ludwig's work into *his*...while he's still sucking along the side of-
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Francis' dick. Fucking multitasking bastard.
Francis is
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, needless to say, loving this. After all, who *wouldn't* want to sexy Germans all over his cock? His hips arch up a little while he moans.-
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He tenses when those fingers are initially worked into him, but quickly relaxes and lets out a breathless sigh. And as if all of this really
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isn't enough, just *watching* them makes it all the better.
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leaves Gilbert to it after a moment to reposition himself. He gets up on his knees and runs his hand down Gilbert's back, fingers working-
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in and out at the same pace he's using on Francis. His just spiral on the upward stroke, making Gilbert buck towards him, hitting only his-
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hips and the fabric of his pants still covering his erection. When Gilbert starts working a third into Francis, Ludwig copies it on him,-
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smirking as he shudders.
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closes his eyes for a moment and nudges down against Gilbert's fingers. When he opens them, he fixates his gaze on him again. It's no secret
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to him what Ludwig's doing even if he can't see it; Gilbert's expression gives it away easily.
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really wants to smack one of them. Francis, for looking so fucking hot and making all the right sounds; or Ludwig, for doing *that* exactly
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how he likes it when he's trying to concentrate on giving an awesome blowjob. After a few minutes he pulls away from Francis' cock with one
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last prolonged suck and ducks his head against his thigh, panting. What's worse is when Ludwig leaves him alone entirely and orders him to-
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get off the bed so Francis can turn over. And if he doesn't do it himself, he'll get smacked and flipped over anyway. Mn. Fun.
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really doesn't want to turn over. He's actually kind of comfortable like this and likes feeling Gilbert against his thigh. That aside, he -
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figures he's already been too compliantly, so he's not going to do it. As much as he hates to think about it, his face is probably fucked -
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up enough now that him getting smacked around some more won't matter.
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