14 years ago
(music) I'll be your commander!! *LSS-ed*
latest #12
lust says
14 years ago
wilma, nothing major-major? (lmao)
Wilma says
14 years ago
Nahh... As usual life sucks, work is hell and no lovelife.. damn
lust says
14 years ago
that sucks..
Wilma says
14 years ago
I really shouldn't have moved out... Mom's cooking is the bomb... but then again, I have a whole pad on my own. (woot)
lust says
14 years ago
true true.. there's always takeaway dinners..
Wilma says
14 years ago
I miss you girls.. what's up? I miss pow wows!
lust says
14 years ago
we miss you too.. when will you be coming back? life is not the same without you..
Wilma says
14 years ago
wish I could fly out like, right now.. but hellish boss hell work won't let me.. i gotta save up too, im buying a new car.. yeah!
lust says
14 years ago
good for you! can we take it out for a spin when we visit?
sloth says
14 years ago
YEY!! new car for the bitch!!
Wilma says
14 years ago
ekeL sure!!!
Wilma says
14 years ago
dcgee: you said it. Imma let all those boys eat my dust when I rev on them!
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