found all these black spiders in his house, now there are so many bullet holes in the wall.
latest #9
realizes there will be a cost to repair the walls, but damnit, they were invading!
could hear the shots from her house, for god's sake. A flyswatter could have sufficed...
yells "There was no time to find it! By the time I would have found it, in the basement no doubt, those creepers could've been anywhere!"
would have suggested calmly setting it free, but this is *Vash* she's talking to. "Then get them with your hand or something. It would have_
been better than making your wall look like that cheese you're famous for..." looks the wall over, eyebrows raising.
taps the gun to his mouth in thought. "It could pass as decoration, don't you think? Tourists love that.
hums. "You know... that actually might work. Put a plaque on it and call it art; I bet people would come and see it." snickers.
doesn't catch that Elizaveta is joking and plans to get to work on this 'art' next thing tomorrow.
won't burst his bubble then. >v>
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