Hikarian was
16 years ago
kagum sama Om Del Piero... bahkan Bernabeu ngasih applause... to score a goal that makes both supporter fascinated... boku no yume da...
16 years ago
salah makan kli ya opo2 itu *applause* (drinking)
16 years ago
5 gol dalam 4 laga LC, salud!!!!
Hikarian says
16 years ago
salah satu fantasista... liat replaynya waktu Free Kick ke Roma n Madrid...pas zoom ke Del Pieronya...he is so focused to score those FK..
Fikry™ says
16 years ago
viva del vhee ero (dance)
Hikarian says
16 years ago
the way he look at the right corner of the goal, and then the cue point of his kick on the ball... and the perfection of shoot technique...