You could be going about your business, perfectly fine, then some guy walks up and starts bugging you, insisting that you must need help
even though you have been perfectly fine doing what you were doing for the past hour or so.
and a simple "do you need help?" is fine, that's not what I'm talking about, it's the "oh, let me do this for you, and this, and this,
by the way, do you need help? No? well, let me help you anyway.
And then, to make it even better, they act like your a bitch because you tell them you don't want help...over...and over...and over.
okay, that's been bugging me for a while. Thoughts guys?
awww, Hon... I just do that because ur a nooblet
Can I do anything for
it's okay, it wasn't you, laney.
yeah. srry baby if it happens again...i take him out
lol, I'll give you his name so if you see him in PVP you can kick his A**
not a little bit conceited, is he? he has a mage. guess what it's called?
He sounds original... is he stealing you kills?
yeah he was and she was pissed lucking ur guys wasnt there but it was funny to she herall mad and cute lol
apparently I'm cute when I'm upset.
My dad deleted feista when I moved so I gotta reload it.
it doesn't take long to download it though so its not that bad. :3
*nods* Not like Perfect World or Runes of Magic or Aion. Actually Aion wasn't as bad as the others. They took 8+hours.
WOW. I don't have the patients for that.
I slept through it. xD and one night when I had to re-download Runes of Magic...I went to work.
my computer would go into hibernation before it was done.
You can turn that those games pause the downloads if they are interrupted.
Yeah they wouldn't let it load unles they wanted to play it too.
you know, i don`t think i`
ve ever met any guys who thought that I needed help because I was a girl. Not that I can recall at least. Hmm...
Nope. Pretty sure that`s never happened to me.