14 years ago
img.photobucket.com/albu... this is what i have to say to the world right now. i'm not sure why i feel this why.
latest #40
14 years ago
inexplicable frustration for the lose
devilish kurumi
14 years ago
man that was me like an hour ago, now i'm in the melancholy stage. LMAO WHAT IS IT ABOUT TONIGHT MAN
14 years ago
preach it sister
14 years ago
like idk. for some reason, i find myself pondering the inherent position of oppression that i'm in:
14 years ago
non-cis, queer, female bodied. i have a lot going for me, but at the same time, i don't
14 years ago
so instead of feeling sorry for myself, i'd rather feel pissed at the world for being a jackass.
14 years ago
that kinda sounded self-absorbed. > >
devilish kurumi
14 years ago
nah, it makes sense. :\ the world kinda sucks, bro
14 years ago
fucking kyriarchy o9
14 years ago
wait what about kyriarchy?
14 years ago
i'm mad at it? lol
14 years ago
sorry it just seemed out of the blue
14 years ago
): i became a feminist.
devilish kurumi
14 years ago
you just... became a feminist? why the frowny face?
14 years ago
lmao idk it seemed comedic. i was also distracted by the television, so it might have been a typo.
14 years ago
but yeah, i got into feminism, or like...social justice, because it's not just about women.
devilish kurumi
14 years ago
lmao, feminism isn't about just women unless you're a radical. it's called liberal feminism - welcome to the club :>
14 years ago
aaaaaah i know that i just know some people don't like referring to themselves as feminist because of the rap that rad feminists have;;;
14 years ago
and like i was like "oshi- she thinks i turned feminazi aaaah."
14 years ago
:| I am irl socially awkward penguin.
devilish kurumi
14 years ago
believe me, the only way you can be a feminazi for me is if you go on rants about how men are dominating women and want to enslave us
devilish kurumi
14 years ago
or some junk
14 years ago
lmao no...that reminds me of a rant i heard about how straight (consensual) sex is oppressive because penetration=somethingsomething
14 years ago
i stopped paying attention after that.
devilish kurumi
14 years ago
yeah, those are the feminists you have to watch out for
14 years ago
yeah for sure. it's basically only inclusive for white, cis, able-bodied women. :T
devilish kurumi
14 years ago
...meaning me? :\
14 years ago
...not that i don't love ya and all, but yeah.
devilish kurumi
14 years ago
14 years ago
that's why rad feminism is fail, though.
devilish kurumi
14 years ago
well, it's silly because they assume that heterosexual sex can only be engaged in by white/able-bodied women, or by cis or w/e they're using
devilish kurumi
14 years ago
nowadays. last i checked, skin color doesn't stop dudes from digging you
14 years ago
yeah basically.
14 years ago
.... not to interrupt the debate, and I'm sure I sound a bit dense for asking this, but what does cis mean? .____.;;;;
14 years ago
it's used as an opposite to trans.
14 years ago
Ah, I see. I'd never heard the term before. ^^; Thanks for clearing that up
14 years ago
yeah no problem. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ci... wiki article if you're interested
14 years ago
cisgendered just means you feel comfortable in the gender that matches your biological genetalia.
14 years ago
so simply, you identify as female while also being biologically female.
14 years ago
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