14 years ago
Thank you Earwen. Because of you Jin deleted his profile, and is pissed off, ranting and raving and insulting everyone. Including me.
latest #28
14 years ago
you made him mad at me. I hope you're happy. We leave for myrtle beach in 2 days, and he's pissed.
14 years ago
Thank you for ruining my first vacation in 5 years before it even had a chance to start.
14 years ago
I hope you're proud of your expert debating skills, and calling him narrow minded and stupid. Thank you for making my husband mad at me
14 years ago
for no reason
14 years ago
thank you
14 years ago
我很難懂麻 :D says
14 years ago
t r y ii a n says
14 years ago
She had no intention of causing a problem in your marriage, or even in your everyday life but if I had to guess, the latter is all that`s
t r y ii a n says
14 years ago
been disturbed. Jin may have a bad day from this, maybe two, but come time for you guys to leave, I`m guessing he`ll leave any feelings of
t r y ii a n says
14 years ago
discontent behind and focus on enjoying himself. He may even "get over it" long before leaving. You should be fine on your vacay. but again
t r y ii a n says
14 years ago
Heleen had no intention of causing people to have a bad day or creating some kind of rift between people just because of disagreements on
t r y ii a n says
14 years ago
personal issues/beliefs, whatev`s. She just wanted to express her views the same as anybody else. Now this next part may seem insensitive
t r y ii a n says
14 years ago
but I think you`ll see the sense in it. What Heleen says, -let`s say even if it was meant to be insulting which I`m sure it wasnt- is her
t r y ii a n says
14 years ago
responsibility, she may be mean, she may not, whatever. BUT! how others take it to affect their lives is honestly THEIR OWN responsibility.
t r y ii a n says
14 years ago
Nobody forces anyone to take offense to anything. That process happens within the person. and if somebody decides to get all in a huff over
t r y ii a n says
14 years ago
a disagreement on a personal beliefs level between people who were/are friendly on every other level... that`s the offended person`s choice
t r y ii a n says
14 years ago
to make. You can make the conscious choice to get upset about a disagreement or learn to live and let live and get over your disagreements.
t r y ii a n says
14 years ago
and to choose to be offended is, in my opinion, to go down the path that leads to soooo many wars in this world. That`s my 2 cents on this
t r y ii a n says
14 years ago
matter and, obviously, many other matters. Take it as you will.
t r y ii a n says
14 years ago
and actually, I`m gonna go one last step further here... He deleted his account so he can never talk to any of us here, and more than that,
t r y ii a n says
14 years ago
he started insulting YOU, over something that someone that you have no control or influence over, said to him? What does that say to you
t r y ii a n says
14 years ago
about his maturity, his temper, his ability to make decisions rationally in any ACTUAL difficult situation? I mean again, this was just
t r y ii a n says
14 years ago
a disagreement on the internet, i definitely dont wanna know what would happen if somebody triggered his anger in a situation like this one
t r y ii a n says
14 years ago
in real life. I`ve had friends who were over-reactors and dramatically short-tempered. I can`t be around people like that for long.
t r y ii a n says
14 years ago
and I personally can`t understand how anyone else puts up with people like that. but again, that was taking things a step further, probably
t r y ii a n says
14 years ago
unnecessarily but, gosh, what`s YOUR take on all that?
blackblood11 says
14 years ago
14 years ago
Thank you Tryiian. You said things I wanted to say but was to afraid to do so. I don't want to loose any friends over this. ._.
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