I just realized Yuu is like, 13 and Higu is like, 20............
latest #76
i have a whole... three months...
no it... it kind of isn't...
suuuuuuuure you're not yuu
guys if yuu and higu got married
what is hiug? Is that a dessert too?
sounds like a sound effect for someone receiving the hymlec maneuver
i thought someone decided it was called Hug Yuu or something
look i make tupos I HAYE YOU ALL
pretending that question doesn't exist
haye haye haye haye i luv tupis
higu you are breaking yuu's heart
this is beyond lovels;gahdfl;kjasf
this is a matter of the fate of the
he would get killed by whatever monster i am fighting
and then i would be like NOOOO I AM A FAILURE
and i would be all sad and useless for like 3-5 episodes
i love italics they make everything so dramatic
something happens to make me not be useless
**stay away from my sister**
yes ma'am
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