Jez in Khh has
14 years ago
started Chinese classes! Been doing bo po mo fo. I now await for my entire Plurk list to erupt with jokes about Elementary school...
latest #18
a2543868 says
14 years ago
It's not hard really,
a2543868 says
14 years ago
More pracitice like ㄅ ㄆ ㄇ ㄈ
Jez in Khh
14 years ago
Lol!! Yeah, and if I could make my computer do that, life might be a little bit easier.
Xavier!!!!! says
14 years ago
;-)ㄅㄆㄇㄈㄉㄊㄏ....i forgot the ordre of the rest......
Xavier!!!!! says
14 years ago
ㄋㄌㄍ... (thinking)
菲小普普* says
14 years ago
菲小普普* says
14 years ago
you can do it!!!
Xavier!!!!! says
14 years ago
(lmao) (lmao) (lmao)gosh!!! i'm so wrong!!! (lmao) (lmao) mr. Jez~ you're so lucky i can't make fun at you with ㄅㄆㄇ~
Xavier!!!!! says
14 years ago
ㄅㄆㄇㄈㄉㄊㄋㄌㄍㄎㄏㄐㄑㄒㄧㄨㄩ? ㄢㄤㄥ??... (Русский) (Русский) aaahh!!! I tried!!! but I really don't remember!!!!!! aaaaaaaarrrrhh~~~~~~
Kyle Víctor says
14 years ago
↑ the order of the whole Chinese BOPOMOFO system, from top to the bottom, right to the left. it might help.
Jez in Khh
14 years ago
Heh. Yup, my keyboard has that too. But my pc only types the English!
Kyle Víctor says
14 years ago
computer system is Apple or Microsoft? If latter, I've found you a Chinese-typing software but it only fits Microsoft system 2003 and XP
Xavier!!!!! says
14 years ago
(woot)wow!! that...diagram(?!) helps a lot!!!!!! (woot) Jez!! we can be classmates~ 'coz I think I have to relearn Chinese from beginning!
Jez in Khh
14 years ago
Heh. It's on any keyboard here. And I'm Windows 7, 64 bit all the way! (Why yes, I am a geek, why do you ask?)
橋老二 says
14 years ago
just do it!you can! haha! i'm improve my english too.
Kyle Víctor says
14 years ago
ohh, I thought you were asking for a Chinese typing software to help you learn the BOPOMOFO system, so I asked.
Kyle Víctor says
14 years ago
Anyway, I've found you the Chinese-typing software for Win 7, released from Microsoft; tell me if you need.
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