that my ankle would get better
latest #28
the swelling has finally gone down in mine tho from the damaged ligaments
yayyy i guess but still sounds painful. :[
mine swells and bruises and then it is all ugly
but it feels like two of my ligaments are being shreaded
thanks... i sorry for you too
me u and hanna need 2 start a club
it feels like my knees are just trying to slide off my leg.
haa the hurting ankle club...i think you guys will have a blast what would you do in a hurt ankle club??? haa haaa
that ur knees feel like they r trying 2 slide off ur legs
yeah i know its pretty painful and they feel like that and all im doing is sitting here i mean when i try to play sports d
i always fall because they like lock up or give out on me and i fall and guess what i land on them so it makes it hardto get up but some how
i get up and still be able to play.
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