oh hey HEY! Even I know distracting shot.
and there is another huntard!
god that reminds me of this warlock in VoA one time, didn't know what a DoT was and wanded the entire fight, I shit you not.
oh and he had str gems, you know, for his pet to be strong.
Now I'm not always the brightest bulb in the WoW lantern, but even I know about DoTs.
Wanding an entire fight...**walks away clucking to herself**
oh god... we have this one girl Hunter in our guild who is hardly on, and about once every few weeks she spams the guild forums with posts
asking people to help her get all of these mounts she wants - like the ZG ones, the Sarth drakes, the Ony drake, etc.
and she keeps asking if we're going to do ICC25 Heroic (fuck no)
she raided ICC25 regular with us last night, and I swear she spent more time dead than she did alive
I told our druids to stop brezzing her because she would just die again
but baaaaabe I want to do 25H
and on Saurfang, I told her to use Distracting Shot to pull the bloodbeasts - she died on the first spawn
then today she posts asking "what Distracting Shot and Scatter Shot are" and saying she used a Stoneblood flask last night
seriously, how the hell do you have an 80 Hunter and NOT know about all your skills?
grinding and partying with people who don't care that you suck
I love raid leading but seriously, no
this is why i never join a guild lol i just play WoW for fun and i never really pay attention to stuff and so i seriously suck in a raid
sad panda
but at least i don't attempt to push my suckyness on others XD
we have a great guild, and I'm pretty tolerant of newbie behavior and helping others improve, but this girl takes it to a new level
it's like she doesn't read any of our posts about being raid-ready, or all of the advice the other hunters have given her
but she wants to raid heroic ICC25, and keeps asking if we can, even though I've repeatedly told her no