hzlnut says
13 years ago
wonders how many people who have expressed their opinion regarding the RH Bill have actually READ the whole bill! I'm guessing not many...
latest #9
Dr. Ron says
13 years ago
heheh yep!
Miles Teg
13 years ago
there's an idea! I shall plurk this, then...
ParanoidFangrl says
13 years ago
are you pro or anti?
hzlnut says
13 years ago
Anti. I don't think overpopulation is the problem of this country. It's poverty! And as long as corruption is rampant, poverty goes w/ it!
ParanoidFangrl says
13 years ago
ok, at least we know. i'm pro, btw, just so we know where we all stand ... but i'm not the argumentative type -- at least not in this area
hzlnut says
13 years ago
I'm not either. I'm glad you're not too. I just hope that people would bother to read the whole bill first before...
hzlnut says
13 years ago
...saying anything for or against it. I just dislike people ranting away abt it w/out making any effort to read the bill at all!
ParanoidFangrl says
13 years ago
well it's human nature to jump before looking -- especially if driven by emotions
ParanoidFangrl says
13 years ago
& issues like this, it's played up by both sides
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