13 years ago
HELP!!! Doing a quick Survey. Can you help? QUICK QUESTION: What is Psychology to you? Can you post your answer - age - and Gender. Thanks!
latest #7
13 years ago
Only has to be 1 sentence (or more if you'd like)
Keira Seerose says
13 years ago
The study of the patterns of behaviour, their sources, results and how they can be changed to create a more positive mental health structure
Keira Seerose says
13 years ago
23 female
13 years ago
Thank you very much. I need as many as possible.
Pilz - Andariel
13 years ago
The study of the the mind and behaviors of individuals. 23 male.
Beyoncé Enjoyer says
13 years ago
Psychology is the science of the mind of individuals. 34 F
13 years ago
Thanks a lot you guys :-)
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