I am at sing-along sound of music
my dad turned off the TV
<<< my reaction rght now
"And the reason i don't go to church is because they don't think highly of gays...or women...or science"
I can't wait for Puck's album to come out
in real life, teachers don't go with their students to the hospital
because they have know, teach
Emma could, she's the guidance counselor
I am laughing so hard right now that my abs hurt
puck got more action than him
this is the first episode that I have actually liked Finn
I think I spoke too soon about liking Finn
yeah, Christian music. Finn made a grilled chessus and so he is dedicating an entire musical week of his life to jesus
I kind of love Kurt right now
Sweet Holy Mother of God Academy
"This country is not a monarchy and trust me, I've tried" lmao
"they should totally go to Jew church" lmaoo
I'm sorry what you're goiing through, lady
she has the best lines in the show
Brittany has the second best
I love Sue and her sister. I think it is so sweet
IDK how I feel about the upcoming Jersey Shore Ep, Hopefully just LOLing through the ep
they are doing a Jersey Shore ep???
I want to do dirty dirty things to Puck
but she has a wicked good voice
like she was neurotic in the 1st season, but they're taking her character way out there.
girl does have chops but, idk, kind of turned off by her this season
her best scene this season, imo, was her scene with sunshine in the bathroom
even though she looked like she was going to eat sunshine's face through the entire scene lol
he's so tall, did you see hm and rachel on the bed
This is my FAVORITE Beetles song
have you seen that picture of them?
and that was so beautiful
his friends should respect his decision to not be religious
I do too! I dont like that Finn is singing it though
Puck, Kurt, and Finn's songs were my faves of the ep thus far
I love them too! And yeah, I don't like the religion pushing at all.
always reminds me of Joan of Arcadia <3
time for Life Unexpected BYYEEEEEEE
Mike Chang saying his second line EVER!