MackCollier shares
15 years ago
nice video by garyvee on embracing who you are when it comes to social media:
latest #25
15 years ago
he is definitely the patron saint of that! I have actually used his videos for clients who want a "packaged" image- he is my model for
15 years ago
"be-who-you-are authenticity"
MackCollier says
15 years ago
Deb just for you: GaryVee's MP keynote - quality is a bit shaky, but great keynote:
15 years ago
thank you sir!
MackCollier says
15 years ago
"Don't spend time trying to convince people that this is right, because let me help you...this is right!" gotta love his energy!
15 years ago
Gary's point is that it loses authenticity. He is encouraging people to put in their time and build their community via word of mouth.
15 years ago
well, I will let Mack answer that for the official definition, but in my mind, someone who is not directly involved in the company's product
15 years ago
15 years ago
would be not authentic
MackCollier says
15 years ago
Jane if you outsource SM, you are letting someone else connect with your customers, and they can't do that as well as you can
MackCollier says
15 years ago
it would be like you letting me take over your Twittering and Plurking. There's no way I could accomplish what you want here as well as u
MackCollier says
15 years ago
YOU can speak with your own voice much more effectively than I can
MackCollier says
15 years ago
Jane some do both. I prefer to teach as much as possible, because clients will need to learn how to use tools themselves, so earlier/better
15 years ago
I am with Mack. I don't want to run someone's online community/media relations. I want to teach them how to do it and help them learn how
15 years ago
to strategize over time. I would go nuts writing someone else's blog for them. But, some people like to play the role of doing it on their
15 years ago
15 years ago
's behalf- sorry for the mis-type.
15 years ago
Jane, I'm like Mack as well. Most of my job as consultant is teaching. I even tell them my goal is to work myself out of a job by helping
15 years ago
them build their own team to do social media. Then I'm available just for strategy as needed.
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