gorman5 has
13 years ago
tried using Skype as a "body" for kids to read to. It worked well with my high groups but not so well with my low groups. Any suggestions?
latest #11
teacherricks says
13 years ago
I'm not sure I understand. Were they reading to someone they know?
gorman5 says
13 years ago
They have read to a retired teacher, stay at home parent, and my husband. If they struggled with a word, the video delay caused problems.
gorman5 says
13 years ago
By the time the misread word was heard by the listener, the kids would already be on the next sentence.
gorman5 says
13 years ago
The lower groups got distracted easily too and without a leader's finger to point to where they were, they were often on the wrong page.
gorman5 says
13 years ago
This took so much extra time that the lower groups rarely got through the reading assignment.
teacherricks says
13 years ago
Mmm...I've never noticed a delay when using Skype.
teacherricks says
13 years ago
Instead of using Skype, Could you try voice thread? You could do it as a culminating activity after they've read the book several times and
teacherricks says
13 years ago
are fluent. Each child could read a page. Voice thread would thread them together giving you a complete story.
gorman5 says
13 years ago
I don't know what voice thread is?
teacherricks says
13 years ago
Go to this link voicethread.com/?#q Then click on what should be the first box called: What is a Voice Thread
gorman5 says
13 years ago
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