gorman5 has
13 years ago
started an edmodo account. Now, what do I do with it? :-o
latest #10
ktibbs says
13 years ago
(thinking) maybe use with your fellow teachers sharing information, concerns and resources....
McTeach says
13 years ago
What grade do you work with?
gorman5 says
13 years ago
2nd grade
McTeach says
13 years ago
Hmmm...I can't help you with the little guys, but I know at least one teacher who uses Edmodo really well with 3rd graders.
McTeach says
13 years ago
We need to get you connected with other teachers within Edmodo. Have you seen where you can connect with other teachers in Edmodo?
gorman5 says
13 years ago
Ok. Thanks. I really had no clue what it was before I signed up for it. I'm not really too sure it is something worth while at my level.
gorman5 says
13 years ago
Working with other teachers may be a better use for it for me than with my students at this point.
McTeach says
13 years ago
That's a great place to start! Please let me know if I can help at all!
LauraS says
13 years ago
McTeach is a fabulous resource/teacher! She loves to share (banana_cool)
McTeach says
13 years ago
Well, as my 7th graders are constantly reminding me "Sharing is caring!"
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