britanyk says
13 years ago
My weekends are way too busy! I can barley find the time or energy to catch up on SN chat and reviews. I'll pop in when I can of course.
latest #16
Supernatural_forever says
13 years ago
Hi Brit!!! (cozy)
WhimsyWooooo says
13 years ago
13 years ago
Hey Brit!! (cozy)
britanyk says
13 years ago
Hey all! Thanks for the hugs. I can't go so long between plurks any more. Every time I'm gone for a week or more the Karma plumets
Deblu says
13 years ago
britanyk: I feel your pain! I think my last free weekend was in May!!
britanyk says
13 years ago
between soccer games, birthday parties and Halloween pumkin patches, I haven't had a free Saturday in a while either. Maybe when Oct. is
britanyk says
13 years ago
Over. I used to read all the SN reviews on Friday. Now I can't get to them until who knows when
ZnowFrog says
13 years ago
Hey Brit! Sounds like you're VERY busy. (cozy)
britanyk says
13 years ago
I do have some down time but I always have to choose what to do with it.
Deblu says
13 years ago
britanyk: I have a calendar saved from the year my kids were 11 and 8. I had 3 free days that year!!! I thought as they got older I would
Deblu says
13 years ago
have more free time! Doesn't happen!!
britanyk says
13 years ago
I love going over the calender before I get rid of it for the new year. It's fun to remember all the things you did that year.
Deblu says
13 years ago
britanyk: I saved that one so one day I can say "Look at all I did for you!" (LOL)
13 years ago
See ya when we see ya? (LOL)
Panns says
13 years ago
Hi Brit! Sorry I missed you!
13 years ago
Hi Brit! (cozy)
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