Patti says
15 years ago
morning! last day until vacation!
latest #9
SusieScrapper says
15 years ago
good morning!! whatcha doing on vacation?? (dance)
Patti says
15 years ago
well, we have a triple birthday party on Saturday!, then I am hosting Thanksgiving, and just family is about 30 people
Patti says
15 years ago
lots of prep work to do!
SusieScrapper says
15 years ago
doesn't sound like a relaxing vacation!! lol i'm sure it'll be better than work though.
Patti says
15 years ago
yes, at least my butt will be moving around the house not just sitting here freezing.
Patti says
15 years ago
and mom and me can go shopping after we drop joey off at school.
SusieScrapper says
15 years ago
that'll be nice!
15 years ago
MelissaThinks says
15 years ago
woo hoo!!! I'm jealous!
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