I want to know why ladies put themselves in miserable conditions?
latest #18
im not talking about you Amy but I'm sorry about your situation. I'm talking anoint long distance relation ships. I would never have to have
a woman forced to wait for me
...they are hard, I can vouch for that, but, they can be worth it if both people are truely in it.
some of your friends here confuses a quick fuck with a relationship
yeah....doesn't surprise me.
I feel bad but I can't say anything about the situations without looking like an asshole
yeah I understand that Jason.
I think women need to be more cautious
I agree with you. some girls want a relationship so badly they don't think sometimes
men and women have different views of what a relation ship is and that both parties need to figure out that quick
haha, that is a very good point Jason. alot of girls expect a lot more than the guy does
some guys have a warped sense of relationships too
yeah...that is a good point
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