genre: shounen, slice of life, comedy
Serialized in Shounen Jump, it's the story about a school club called the Sket Dan who do odd jobs and help people in need
Bossun, called that because he's the boss, is a genki boy with goggles who makes weird faces when he's embarrassed.
Himeko, the demon girl, has a weird taste for hideous candy but she's actually quite girly deep down.
and Switch, the otaku. he talks through a computer and uses lots of emoji even if his face is always serious
the series has lots of pop culture references, mostly quoting other shounen jump series
it's very funny, the only downside is that it's VERY tl;dr
some chapters seem so clustered with letters but when you actually read them odds are you'll laugh
The serious chapters are very intense, too. Made me cry. LMAO you can see that i measure how good drama is depending on how much I cry but
i cry at the drop of a hat too so take everything with a grain of salt
all in all, it's very enjoyable, but if you want to spare yourself the TL;DR there's an ANIME COMING OUT SPRING NEXT YEAR!
The student council characters are really damn interesting, too.