heyvicky wonders
15 years ago
if she can dance (thinking)
latest #16
voxypop pop thinks
15 years ago
she has two left feet.
heyvicky says
15 years ago
(dance) what if I fall ._.
✖JTAY; says
15 years ago
haiya want larh think too much lerh.i also dunno how to dance but during june hols,me went to learn hiphop with je..
✖JTAY; says
15 years ago
though was kindaf difficult,i enjoyed myself
✖JTAY; says
15 years ago
its the passion thats most impt
✖JTAY; says
15 years ago
✖JTAY; says
15 years ago
plus the dance stuff no need to worry,alot of seniors also dun have foundation but still take up and they still love it xDD
✖JTAY; says
15 years ago
i suppose im confirm joining dance le hmm
heyvicky says
15 years ago
K ah Joanne you say one ah if later I fall you must catch me hwahahaha later we fall together in domino effect (LOL)
✖JTAY; says
15 years ago
geez okay.im prepared if you will to squash me..haiz mr chia should join stand beside me..so not that bad if domino effect HAHA.
tsuei says
15 years ago
of course you can. :-)
heyvicky says
15 years ago
one day I'm gonna be like that------------> (dance) : A Famous Dancer
✖JTAY; says
15 years ago
tsuei says
15 years ago
william hung was a famous dancer, too....hahahahha!
heyvicky says
15 years ago
SHE BANGS SHE BAAAAAAAAAANGS! (rock) my idol, (heart)
✖JTAY; says
15 years ago
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