sarahhanawald is
16 years ago
in a benefits and salary meeting. please save me!
latest #6
16 years ago
I commiserate...have monthly performance reviews...very much a part of education world nowadays...the mighty dollar impacts
GingerLewman says
16 years ago
ok, this is what you do...ignore them and add at least 30 friends. I'll get you started...
ePODian says
16 years ago
Isn't it great to have plurker pals like gingerTPLC...real mentor material there!
sarahhanawald says
16 years ago
she got scolded and put the laptop away for the rest of the meeting.
GingerLewman says
16 years ago
awe, darn it! You must've smiled or laughed. NO FUN IN MEETINGS!! Don't you know the rules?!
GingerLewman says
16 years ago
Well, go ahead and add all the people who replied to my plurk to you. They'll keep you smilin'! (devil)
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