MiMi142 needs
13 years ago
ideas wat song yg lawa utk lowr primry fashion show bckground music
latest #29
hahaha I like to move it~ move it.. Madagascar heeee
super junior - sorry sorry. hahaha 2PM nda u jd?
13 years ago
hahaha madagascar?cute plg p mcm bth udh lagu aaa
13 years ago
bit: 2pm in my list plg yg lagu again again sl rugged p msh considering other hot songs
Super Junior - Sorry Sorry atu ok jua tu i think. Seven - Digital Bounce udh u check? Again & Again nice plg jua..hehe
13 years ago
SJ alm..7 udh nice jua p stil naning..krgta ku lyt..p aku ne mcm kn pky ost Takers jua..TI a sl ya rugged sna..huhu
hahahaha udah atu :-P
13 years ago
iatahhhh p mcm m more 2 2pm again again psl tdi msa ku tnya my colleague..ia hfl dat song! Totally korean addict bah ya ah..
13 years ago
ia even hfl dnce movenya bila cane bila catuu..gillaaaa lah..mcm ko x karaknya..hahaha ;p
hahahahaha aku so far hafal satu lagu ja. 2AM punya lagu.hafal brabiz but lagu durg ballad plg.hehe
i 2PM nda brpa altho rugged and AAA atu rugged tu tariannya and lagu I'll Be Back puuuun!!!
13 years ago
haha p i ok ok sja..huhu drg td klawaan lgu SJ no other jua..myb drg pky dt song jua rh prty nnti..n oh yes! The dnce moves r awesomeeeee
13 years ago
brbs! Mun ku pndy wah,ku srh studntku nari catu! Seriusly! Oh wel..myb nx yr..
hahahahaha au No Other is sooooooooo cute and adorable.i mean the song even durg nyanyi pun cute bh.eeei.
everytimeku tgk vdeo clipnya or durg nyanyi live, mstiku grigitan and snyum2 coz cute bnr2 bh.hahaha
13 years ago
ummm aku jrg plg lyt bt yeah ugged n cute brbs n btw ive dcided 2use again again s my bckground music ^.^
13 years ago
n eh eh esok il be checking in at De Anggerek with few of the tutors..blik monday..wuhooo PARTAYYYYY LOL
hahahaha woseeeeh!!! siuuuuukkkk..brpa th smlm?
13 years ago
60 per nyt..kmi share la among us =)
60 per night?wah..murah tu eh! but ok kan the room?lemme know siuk ka inda ah.hehe
13 years ago
yup 60 per nyt p no pool..n yes,the room was ok..ada mini walk-in closet..VERY mini..huhu..
13 years ago
yg pnTg siuuuukkk laaa..sl 1st tym a2 x..huhu yta f ko jd tutor cni nda myasal asl ngam bkwn sj =)
hehehehe i'll think about it.msih kosong position tutor sna?mun nda,ku kn send thru email saja.
13 years ago
ya ampun..yg ri 2 alm ka ko antr?bektah antr asap..mke up ur mind lju2..coz we need new tutors to teach by Jan
bkn apa..kmrin bru ku bjaya mngscan bh.yth smangat udh ni.hehehe
13 years ago
haha owh ok bh jn lpa gto wat subject ure capable of teaching..that includes mengaji cz we hv 1 bt the tutor quit
adui..lupaku buat those.i emailed my cv td udh time ptg ah.
13 years ago
owh sokay..nnti f drg call for intvw,gto sja
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