Jaelyce says
14 years ago
Also, check out Northsire Valley! Lots of new stuff to see.
latest #7
14 years ago
Lots of new stuff in Redridge.
Jaelyce says
14 years ago
Where in Redridge? I think I went to Lakeshire and I didn't see anything different.
14 years ago
Ride towards the back of the region. Lots and lots of changes. New FP way in the back. The keep where you killed the guys and took their
14 years ago
heads is deserted. The foottbridge is wiped out and orcs and murlocs patrol the area.
14 years ago
The spiders, whelps and buzzards down in that little valley above lakeshire have been replaced with orcs and sleeping worgs.
14 years ago
lots of change up there.
Jaelyce says
14 years ago
I had SO much to see last night, I barely got to explore much, plus RP and an emergency guild meeting
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