Linda Darling thinks
13 years ago
I finally get sleepy now....already 3:30am。・°°・(>_<)・°°・。still got presentation to prepare tmr. 妳趕快腄著呀!!‼
latest #6
Nicemeow says
13 years ago
wow..... maybe hug your muk muk?
Linda Darling
13 years ago
他太肥了 我抱他 我自己也滾動不了.....( ̄▽ ̄)
Nicemeow says
13 years ago
haa haa.... time for muk muk to go on diet
Linda Darling says
13 years ago
nah nah nah he is perfect the way he is la (^∇^)
Nicemeow says
13 years ago
haa haa..... it's good for winter time~ hee hee
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