13 years ago
wo hen bored sia . what should i do ? and i dont feel like sleeping .
latest #18
TOZY says
13 years ago
TOZY says
13 years ago
13 years ago
hahah sian also . I just ate very FULL
SCSMx33 says
13 years ago
errrr SMS , MSN, FB ?
13 years ago
hahhahaha all so boring (:
SCSMx33 says
13 years ago
LOL ! Then... Go ton ? Watch TV? Eat? Go pub ? Go K ?
13 years ago
HAHHAHAHAHAHAH i'm at home lazy go out :-P
SCSMx33 says
13 years ago
Waseh. Everything also cannot. Go sleep :-)
SCSMx33 says
13 years ago
If not chat wif girlf. :-)
13 years ago
hahahaha no girlf (:
SCSMx33 says
13 years ago
... You're so hard to please :x What u want do then ? Go crazy ? Go wild ? Go dream of yr girl ? Go Mad ?
TOZY says
13 years ago
eat until very full then continue eat! eat until your stomach burst!
yufangx says
13 years ago
play online game~
13 years ago
hahahahahah SORRY LO ! hahahaha
13 years ago
ya eat you are the one need to eat (: skinny girl
13 years ago
hahahaha playing (:
TOZY says
13 years ago
i eat alot alr!! then fat alr!! where got skinny!! D:
yufangx says
13 years ago
haha okay~ :-)
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